Q. Dear Ray,
I was recently elected to be the 2016 lodge chief. The vote was passed and had the approval of the staff adviser and the lodge adviser. A couple of months later, our Scout executive and I had a meeting, and he decided that I was not the right person for the job. I will admit that I have made some mistakes, but nothing to the extent that I would get removed from an office that I have not even been sworn into yet. That leaves the question: does the Supreme Chief of the Fire have the authority to remove someone from an elected office? Thank you for your time.
Concerned Lodge Chief
A. Dear concerned lodge chief,
Thank you for your email. Our literature doesn’t overtly state that the Scout executive can remove the lodge chief from office, but it does say the following on page 7 of the Guide for Officers and Advisers: "The Scout executive is the final authority of the Order within the council and, because of this, holds the title of Supreme Chief of the Fire. It is the Scout executive’s job to see that the lodge adheres to national policy."
Further on page 20 Lodge Rules, it states: "II. Name and affiliation of lodge. The lodge shall be known as: ________ Lodge, ________ Council No. ________, Boy Scouts of America, and shall be under the supervision of the council camping or Boy Scout committee and the administrative authority of the Scout executive." The authority of the Scout executive is all encompassing and extends to every facet of Scouting operations within the council. As an example, he can choose to not allow the Order of the Arrow to exist or to annually renew its charter simply by not signing his name to the renewal petition.
Under this authority, the Scout executive has the ability to determine who should be in the leadership of their council’s lodge.
On the other hand, it seems like a good idea for you and your parents to make an appointment with the Scout executive so you all can understand the reasoning about this and make it a learning experience. Clearly, it makes sense to explain it to you and your parents.