DYLC - Developing Youth Leaders Conference
NLS - National Leadership Seminar
SOS - Section Officers' Seminar / Region Gathering
Date | Event |
January 1st | New Year's Day - National Service Center Closed |
January 15th | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - National Service Center Closed |
January 26th - January 28th | NLS / DYLC - Eastern Region (Columbia, SC) |
February 1st | Josh Sain Memorial Scholarship Applications Due |
February 16th - February 18th | NLS / DYLC - Eastern Region (San Sebastian, Puerto Rico) |
February 19th | Presidents' Day - National Service Center Closed |
March 1st - March 3rd | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Tokyo, Japan) |
March 8th - March 10th | NLS / DYLC - Eastern Region (Cincinnati, OH) |
March 15th - March 17th | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Chicago, IL) |
March 18th | National Committee Meeting (Virtual) |
March 29th | Good Friday - National Service Center Closed |
March 31st | Easter Sunday |
April 19th - April 21st | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Seattle, WA) |
May 5th | National Committee Meeting (Orlando, FL) |
May 27th | Memorial Day - National Service Center Closed |
June 5th | OA Canadian Odyssey Begins @ Northern Tier (Ely, MN) |
June 5th | OA Wilderness Voyage Begins @ Northern Tier (Ely, MN) |
June 8th | OA Trail Crew Begins @ Philmont Scout Ranch (Cimarron, NM) |
June 9th | OA Summit Experience Begins @ Summit Bechtel Reserve (Glen Jean, WV) |
June 19th | Juneteenth - National Service Center Closed |
July 4th | Independence Day - National Service Center Closed |
July 21st | OA Summit Experience Ends @ Summit Bechtel Reserve (Glen Jean, WV) |
July 24th | OA Canadian Odyssey Ends @ Northern Tier (Ely, MN) |
July 24th | OA Wilderness Voyage Ends @ Northern Tier (Ely, MN) |
July 27th | OA Trail Crew Ends @ Philmont Scout Ranch (Cimarron, NM) |
July 29th - August 3rd | National Order of the Arrow Conference @ University of Colorado Boulder (Boulder, CO) |
September 2nd | Labor Day - National Service Center Closed |
September 6th - September 8th | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Houston, TX) |
September 9th | National Committee Meeting (Virtual) |
September 13th - September 15th | NLS / DYLC - Eastern Region (Alpine, NJ) |
October 1st | OA Charter Renewal Kits Distributed |
October 11th - October 13th | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Denver, CO) |
October 18th - October 20th | SOS - Gateway Region (Orange, CA) |
October 18th - October 20th | SOS - Eastern Region (Atlanta, GA) |
November 1st - November 3rd | NLS / DYLC - Eastern Region (Nashville, TN) |
November 5th | Election Day |
November 22nd - November 24th | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Nevada City, CA) |
November 28th - November 29th | Thanksgiving and Day After - National Service Center Closed |
December 24th - December 25th | Christmas Eve & Christmas Day - National Service Center Closed |
December 27th - December 30th | National Planning Meeting (Dallas, TX) |
December 28th | National Order of the Arrow Committee Meeting (Dallas, TX) |
December 31st | Lodge Charter Renewal Deadline |
Date | Event |
January 1st | New Year's Day - National Service Center Closed |
January 20th | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - National Service Center Closed |
February 7th - February 9th | NLS / DYLC - Eastern Region (Mobile, AL) |
February 17th | Presidents' Day - National Service Center Closed |
March 21st - March 23rd | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Minneapolis, MN) |
March 21st - March 23rd | NLS / DYLC - Eastern Region (Indianapolis, IN) |
March 28th - March 30th | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Kansas City, MO) |
April 18th | Good Friday - National Service Center Closed |
April 20th | Easter Sunday |
May 26th | Memorial Day - National Service Center Closed |
June 1st - June 15th | OA Ocean Adventure Season @ Florida Sea Base (Islamorada, FL) |
June 4th - August 13th | OA Wilderness Voyage Season @ Northern Tier (Ely, MN) |
June 4th - August 13th | OA Canadian Odyssey Season @ Northern Tier (Ely, MN) |
June 8th - August 17th | OA Trail Crew Season @ Philmont Scout Ranch (Cimarron, NM) |
June 8th - August 9th | OA Summit Experience Season @ Summit Bechtel Reserve (Glen Jean, WV) |
June 19th | Juneteenth - National Service Center Closed |
July 4th | Independence Day - National Service Center Closed |
July 21st - July 26th | National Council of Chiefs @ Philmont Scout Ranch (Cimarron, NM) |
September 1st | Labor Day - National Service Center Closed |
October 3rd - October 5th | NLS / DYLC - Eastern Region (Rockville, RI) |
November 7th - November 9th | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Fort Worth, TX) |
November 22nd - November 24th | NLS / DYLC - Gateway Region (Southern CA) |
November 27th - November 28th | Thanksgiving and Day After - National Service Center Closed |
December 5th - December 7th | NLS / DYLC - Eastern Region (Greensboro, NC) |
December 24th - December 25th | Christmas Eve & Christmas Day - National Service Center Closed |
December 31st | Lodge Charter Renewal Deadline |
Date | Event |
January 16th - January 19th | National Planning Meeting (Dallas, TX) - Will Not Be Held in 2025 |
DYLC - Developing Youth Leaders Conference
NLS - National Leadership Seminar
SOS - Section Officers' Seminar / Region Gathering