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Ask the Chairman - Holding Chapter Officer Elections

        Ask the Chairman

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Q. Ray,
Is there a rule regarding holding chapter elections for positions such as chapter chief, chapter vice chief, etc? Do you have to have a certain number of Scouts present to hold the election?

Thanks for your assistance.

A. BA,

The Order of the Arrow does not specify a minimum attendance requirement in order to conduct lodge or chapter elections. Many lodges and chapters hold elections at a lodge weekend each year, often a service weekend, so members can anticipate elections and the lodge may promote participation in elections as part of its promotion of the weekend. Also, sometimes a lodge's Lodge Rules may provide additional guidance on how elections are to be conducted. If your lodge does not have rules regarding how elections are to be conducted, you might want to discuss that with your lodge chief and lodge adviser.

I hope this helps to answer your question.

Yours in Service,