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Ask the Chairman - Membership Records

  Ray Capp             Ask the Chairman

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Q. Ray,

My friend is being nominated for an award. We would like to put some of her accomplishments in the OA, but aren’t sure who to get the records from.

Thank you for your assistance.

Paul Ann

A. Paul Ann,

Thank you for your note.

Unfortunately, the national Order of the Arrow office in Dallas does not keep historic council membership records of the nature you seek.

These are maintained at different levels of historic accuracy by the local council offices, lodge historians, and often published in an annual "Planbook" which many lodges use both as a directory for members AND as a way to keep up with which members have taken on which duties to achieve the mission . Please contact your lodge or council office specifically the lodge adviser and the lodge staff adviser to see if they can help you dig the historical information you are seeking to help honor your friend.

Let me also applaud your support of your friend to see help with she is nomination. All over the country, generous people, such as yourself work hard to see that our finest volunteers are recognized for their support of Scouting. What you are doing is very important. Thank you.

All my best to you and your friend in your Scouting careers!
