Q: Hi Mike,
I completed my Ordeal in 1990 as a Scout. I am now an Assistant Scoutmaster and member of Miami Lodge 495 in Dayton, Ohio. I would like to work towards my Brotherhood but a lot of my older Scouting paperwork, including all of my OA paperwork was destroyed when my home flooded a few years ago. Where would I be able to get a replacement handbook?
Thank you,
A: Rob
Thank you for your continued interest in the Order of the Arrow. The current edition of the Order of the Arrow Handbook can be acquired from your local council or lodge. It is also sold on the BSA National Supply website.
Your lodge does have some great information to help you attain your Brotherhood. Check out your lodge website, and best wishes on reaffirming your obligation to the high purposes of the Order!
I would encourage you become active within your lodge or chapter to see how things may have changed since you were a youth. I would even bet that they could also use some adult leadership to help with a committee!
I hope this helps! Thanks for doing what you do!