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Ask the Chairman - Will NOACs return to being held every two years?

        Ask the Chairman

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Q: Ray,
Now that the 100th anniversaries of the BSA and OA have passed, will the Order of the Arrow return to hosting national conferences every two years?

A: Yes. Historically, National Order of the Arrow Conferences (NOACs) have been held every two years. Due to adjustments made to the jamboree schedule to align with the 100th anniversary of the BSA and the OA’s desire to hold a conference the year of the OA centennial, since 2006, we have held NOACs every three years (in 2009, 2012 and 2015).  Starting with the 2018 NOAC at Indiana University, we plan to return to hosting conferences every two years. The location of the 2020 conference will be announced during the 2018 NOAC.
See you in Indiana in 2018!