Q: Mike,
My purpose in writing is with regards to one of your most recent topics (found here) concerning the question raised in regards to a region chief being able to be elected to national chief or vice chief following their service. I had the privilege of serving my section as section chief and attended the national planning meeting during my term. As we were in the nominations process for the national chief and national vice chief, the sitting south central region chief was allowed to stand for nomination for national office. Having been appointed as region chief the previous year, he had not been elected to that position. He was subsequently elected as the national vice chief and served at the 1992 NOAC.
I was wondering if this was the only time this has happened and based on your response to the earlier question, how it would be handled now? I only ask out of curiosity and because the earlier question prompted the memory.
A: David,
Thanks for your email. In instances where unusual circumstances do not allow a youth to complete his term as a youth officers and there is not a logical successor, the Field Operations Guide (FOG) is very specific: if a national vice chief, the national chief will appoint a successor in consultation with the national chairman, and if a region chief, the national chief will consult with both the section chiefs and the chairman of the affected region, with advice and approval from the national chairman. You will find these directives on pages 12 and 13 of the 2017 revision of the FOG.
So specific to your question then: if a youth is appointed and not elected, he has held a national office. The FOG is very clear on page 9 that “...no person who has ever held national office can ever again be eligible to hold any national OA office.” There are no exceptions – regardless of election or appointment. Only section chiefs are allowed to run for national office so past national chiefs, national vice chiefs, and region chiefs are not.
I hope this helps! Thanks for doing what you do!