The "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt Foundation and the Order of the Arrow will grant a limited number of scholarships to assist youth Arrowmen committed to serving the OA and Scouting as members of the Operation Arrow staff. Applications must be submitted no later than April 1, 2023. Learn how to apply here.
The “Green Bar Bill” Hillcourt Foundation is the literary and financial executor of the estate of William Hillcourt (1900-1992), one of the world’s most widely known and respected Scouters and a member of the national BSA staff from 1926 to 1965. A Scout since 1910, Bill was a protege of Robert Baden-Powell and Scouting’s most prolific author, having written hundreds of articles for Boys’ Life and Scouting magazine, three editions of the Boy Scout Handbook, the first editions of the Handbook for Patrol Leaders and the Scout Fieldbook, and the best-selling biography of Scouting’s founder, Baden-Powell: The Two Lives of a Hero. He was America’s first Wood Badge Scoutmaster, and spent his retirement years traveling the globe to train leaders, for which he was recognized as “Scoutmaster to the World.” He was recognized with the Silver Buffalo and Bronze Wolf Awards. He was a Vigil Honor member of Unami Lodge, One (Paragraph adapted from “Hillcourt Jamboree Staff Scholarships Awarded,” 2013).
For questions on the Hillcourt Scholarship, please reach out to @email.