Lodge Leader,
We hope to see you and members of your lodge at the 2021 National Jamboree as a member of Operation Arrow! The OA has supported National Jamborees since 1950, but next year we will embark on our largest initiative to date. When tens of thousands of Scouts descend on the Summit Bechtel Reserve (SBR) next July, it’s on us to help provide them with a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
When you join Operation Arrow, you’ll be surrounded by hundreds of Arrowmen from across the country as you provide critical support to the largest Scouting event in 2021. By serving on our dedicated Conservation Team or as part of our storied Service Corps, you will have the opportunity to impact the Jamboree at the most fundamental level at a variety of program areas across the Summit. As a reward for your service, you will get to experience all sorts of adventure from stadium shows, field sports, international fellowship and mountaintop experience hikes – all in the scenic backcountry of beautiful West Virginia. We have plenty of opportunities for adults to take on a role and youth get to participate for half the price of what they would pay as a regular contingent member!
For us to continue our decades-long mission of serving the National Jamboree, we need your help to make it another success. We have seen first-hand the impact the OA can have on Scouting’s flagship event and now we are committed to paying that forward to the next generation of Scouts. As Arrowmen, we are charged to serve others so far as in our power lies — let’s put those words of the Obligation in action.
We are beyond excited for the Jamboree and know that the Order of the Arrow will continue to live up to its mission and purpose next summer. It’s time to face the challenge and recommit ourselves to delivering the Scouting program.
For more information and to access registration, visit oa-bsa.org/jamboree!
In cheerful service,
Zach Schonfeld
National Chief
Noah Smith
National Vice Chief