June 7th, 2023 at 8:00 ET
Meeting Mission
Create a space for staff members from across the country to meet together prior to the in-person event. Hopefully, the connections and bonds made during this forum will last through the jamboree experience and create high morale amongst staff members from day one of Operation Arrow. Logistical reminders will also be provided.
Welcome from the 2023 National Officers.
2023 National Chief Zach Grinvalsky - Under two months until the 2023 National Jamboree! We are so excited to see the fruits of the labor for this event come together in July.
- 2023 National Vice Chief Grant Kim - Happy to see all attendees. With the past six months spent planning, the staff on this call are the people to execute this excellent program.
- 2023 Gateway Region Chief Michael Whitford - Excited for the 2023 National Jamboree and to form many great relationships.
- 2023 Eastern Region Chief Matthew Carlson - Very excited to see this work pan out for an excellent event.
- Leadership Introductions
- Operation Arrow Chair Clint Takeshita - Grateful to jamboree vice chiefs and other leadership for all the hard work put into this event. Operation Arrow is crucial to the success of the jamboree and we appreciate your support.
- Chief of Staff Danny Miller - Please reach out if you have any questions.
- National OA Director Cortland Bolles - Grateful for everyone’s commitment to the jamboree, Boy Scouts of America, and Order of the Arrow. This jamboree will be an excellent experience for all 15,000 attendees.
Committee Introductions from Jamboree Vice Chiefs (JVCs) and Lead Advisers
Service Corps JVC - Collin Welke
Service Corps Lead Adviser - Mike Card
- Summit Apex Program JVC - Jake Whitley
- Summit Apex Program Adviser - Rich Whitney
- Summit Apex is a new program replacing the Garden Grove Program. Half-day program over five days, serving 2,000 attendees per day. Offering fun, meaningful games and team-building activities to inspire attendees to spread the message of Scouting in-home units, lodges and councils.
- Learn more about Summit Apex here
- Summit Apex Experience JVC - Evan Crocker
- Summit Apex Experience Lead Adviser - Bruce Mayfield
- The logistical arm of Summit Apex, servicing the arrival at Basecamp Echo, food services, the Rally Program and devising into the four subcamps (N, S, E and W).
- Summit Apex Rally JVC - Brandon Hollister
- Summit Apex Rally Lead Adviser - Tom Lackovic
- Ending the night at Summit Apex with a band, activities and a final message that will encourage the spread of the meaning of Scouting.
- Marketing & Communications JVC - John Andrew Segebarth
- Marketing & Communications Lead Adviser - Nick Ochsner
- Promoting registration for this event and ensuring that all staff have the necessary information through the release of the Appalachian Dispatch, Operation Arrow’s eNewsletter. Onsite, the team will be maintaining the mobile app to spread information to attendees, capturing photo and video and sharing the story of the OA at jamboree.
- Program & Staff Services JVC - Carter Stoner
- Program & Staff Services Lead Adviser - AJ Kelly
- Ensuring that all staff have a fulfilling experience through gatherings, reflections, recreation, and the newly released Arrow Allies program. Survey responses are due by June 16 and will encourage long-lasting connections built throughout the jamboree. Please always feel free to contact @email.
- Administrative Services Lead Adviser - David Stowe
- Ensuring that all committees have the necessary materials procured in time for the jamboree. The main source for equipment onsite during the event. Check with committee leads for more information on needs and logistics.
- Trading Post Lead Adviser - Scott Best
- Operation Arrow trading post has been opened and will be offering polos, hats, and belt buckles specifically to staff members. Check them out at https://tradingpost.oa-bsa.org/.
Arrival and Departure
Session 1: Arrival prior to dinner on July 16 and departure anytime on July 22.
Session 2: Arrival prior to dinner on July 23 and departure late on July 28.
- Session 3: Arrival prior to dinner on July 16 and departure late on July 28.
- Staff Parking is in Bravo 3 and departure/arrival during the event is prohibited without approval from Operation Arrow leadership.
- All staff should arrive at the Ruby Welcome Center (55 Hazel Ruby Lane, Mt Hope, WV 25880).
- West Virginia International Yeager Airport (CRW) and Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) are the closest airports.
- Learn more about arrival and departure here.
- Scout belt, Scout socks, zesty blue polo, Scout shorts and Operation Arrow hat comprise the Operation Arrow staff uniform.
- One zesty blue polo will be provided to each staffer. It is recommended staff purchases extra through the trading post.
- Learn more about what to pack here.
- All staff are encouraged to bring a personal tent not to exceed 10’x9.5′.
- Staff will have the opportunity to tent individually if providing their own tent.
- Cots will be made available to all staff on loan and must be returned at the conclusion of the jamboree.
- Cots are 76.75’’ L x 33.25” W x 18.25’ H.
- There will not be electricity provided for each tent; however, there will be charging areas available.
- Learn more about jamboree housing here.
Subcamp Amenities
Recreation: Karaoke, Yoga, E-Sports, Slip & Slide, etc.
Gatherings: Opening Show, Closing Show, two Region Rallies and an OAHA Reunion
- Envision: Journaling and Reflection, Arrow Allies program, Summit Circle Rededication Ceremony
Other Logistic Updates
Meals: Breakfast and dinner are self-serve buffet style and lunch is grab-and-go.
All event payments are due by May 31.
- All staff, regardless of age, must complete Youth Protection Training through My.Scouting.org within one year of the end of the jamboree (06/28/2022).
- Scheduled time off is still in progress. More details are available with your corresponding JVC and lead adviser.
- In order to attend the 2023 National Jamboree, Operation Arrow staff are required to have a medical exam and submit the BSA’s required Annual Health and Medical Record (AHMR) and risk advisory form. Learn more here.
- Other logistical details can be found here.
- Summit Apex Daily Schedule
- All committees will split separately to undergo training sessions on July 17 and 18.
- July 19: All hands on deck to help with unit arrival.
- July 20: Summit Apex Dress Rehearsal
- July 21, 22, 24 to 26: Summit Apex Program, 2,500 attendees per day.
- July 27: Summit Apex Breakdown
- July 28: Departure in the afternoon or evening.
- Service Corps Schedule
- All chapters will split separately to undergo training sessions on July 17 and 18.
- July 19: All hands on deck to help with unit arrival.
- July 27: Summit Apex Breakdown
- July 28: Departure in the afternoon or evening.
- Program & Staff Services Schedule
- Enrich the internal OA staff experience by cultivating engagement and camaraderie through gatherings, socials, recreation and reflections.
Fellowship breakouts by committee
Operation Arrow Trivia Game
Next Steps
Keep a lookout for information at jamboree.scouting.org, oa-bsa.org/jamboree, the Appalachian Dispatch eNewsletter and social media.
Closing remarks from 2023 National Chief Zach Grinvalsky
Operation Arrow is the largest staffing contingent for the jamboree with over 300 staff registered so far. We are so enthusiastic to meet at the Summit Bechtel Reserve for such an excellent event.