The Language of the OA encompasses style, usage and grammar norms observed by both the Boy Scouts of America and the Order of the Arrow. The OA has developed this resource so that communications at every level of the organization are more consistent. Through periodic updates of terminology, it will become a more comprehensive primary resource to ensure chapters, lodges, sections and regions are aware of the terms and style specific to the OA.
An idea which began before the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference to provide Arrowmen with tools to effectively communicate, The Language of the OA has been a long-awaited project. We are excited to share this resource as a facet of the national communications committee’s initiative to provide tools to assist the development and execution of effective communication at the local level.
Designed to complement The Language of Scouting and BSA Style Manual, The Language of the OA includes terminology unique to the Order of the Arrow such as conference vice chief (CVC) and publications such as the Guide to Inductions. Be sure to refer to this tool while writing and editing publications and program materials. To make this resource more thorough, we will add more terms throughout 2020 and onward.
For more information on broader Scouting terms not commonly used in day-to-day OA operations, please visit The Language of Scouting and the BSA Style Manual. To suggest an update and/or edit of The Language of the OA, please email @email.
This tool can be found here.