Dear Honored Campers,
Welcome to Operation Arrow! Let us be the first to share our excitement to be at the Summit Bechtel Reserve (SBR) this summer for the 2023 National Jamboree. As you know, our brotherhood is no stranger to leaving our mark on the Scouting movement. We thank you for your willingness to serve alongside hundreds of your fellow brothers as we showcase what our organization has to offer. This summer is our chance to leave our mark on the Scouting movement. With your steadfast help, we will accomplish this goal and demonstrate our servant leadership throughout this two-week experience.
We, the Operation Arrow leadership, are committed to ensuring the best and most meaningful jamboree experience possible. By granting you the freedom to explore the myriad activities the jamboree offers, to meet people from across the nation, and to gain the satisfaction of serving your fellow Scouts, you will truly experience a once-in-a-lifetime Scouting adventure. We ask that you return the favor by exhibiting the three points of our Obligation – Brotherhood, Cheerfulness and Service.
Our program would not be possible without your unwavering commitment. As a member of Operation Arrow, you will support projects across SBR, and help us make history. This year, your experience will be unlike any other as we are proud to announce the return of the OA Service Corps and the launch of the OA’s newest addition to the jamboree, the Summit Apex program. Summit Apex is our organization’s take on an “outpost” program area which will inspire Scouts to appreciate the benefits of their membership in Scouting. With new activities, gatherings and opportunities like we have never seen before, you will join thousands of your fellow Scouts in attending the program on its inaugural year!
It is no surprise that we have faced our fair share of irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities since our last jamboree. Nearly six years later, we are excited and ready to continue sharing our legacy of cheerful service with the rest of Scouting. During such a pivotal moment for our organization, we will rise to the occasion and continue to deliver on our mission and purpose as we enter a new chapter for Scouting's adventure. Lets go change some lives; for the better!
Yours in Service,
Zach Grinvalsky Grant Kim
2023 National Chief 2023 National Vice Chief