Within the Crater Lake Council in Central Oregon, the Lo La’Qam Geela Lodge hosted a council wide Camp-O-Rall. Camp-O-Rall was similar to a camporee/conclave event that welcomed all Boy Scouts, Venture Scouts, Explorers, Varsity Scouts and Webelos in search for Boy Scout troops. This year's Camp-O-Rall theme was ‘The Lost Frontier’ at New Frontier Ranch; this was to represent the ranch 150 years ago in 1868. Every unit represented a group of pioneers on the Applegate Trail heading towards the Willamette Valley, a historic town next to New Frontier Ranch.
The council-wide event was designed to bring all members of the council together for a weekend of fun. Lo La’Qam Geela's Lodge Chief at the time, James Verheyden, stated, “We are a geographically diverse council and we wanted to provide a council wide event to show Scouts everyone who wears the same council shoulder patch.” Crater Lake Council is located in Northern California and Southern/Central Oregon. The Lo La’Qam Geela Lodge were the event planners and staff for Camp-O-Rall. They wanted to plan this year's Camp-O-Rall to include the council, as it is usually a district event. The last time the Lo La’Qam Geela hosted the Camp-O-Rall, it was in 2015 in celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Order of the Arrow.
The event was packed with a number of fun activities. Every unit was able to work at its own pace and enjoy the event competitions and activities from an obstacle course, field sports, crosscut saw, gold panning, lassoing, branding, dutch ovens, and arrowhead making, along with tomahawk throwing!
The event took a year to plan, with the lodge executive committee (LEC) of the Lo La’Qam Geela Lodge as the main support and planners for the event. Each member of the LEC served as a conclave vice chief or conference vice chief (CVC). Each one of them was tasked to plan out a different part of the event, and they held separate meetings to focus on the event. “The event was amazing, we hit our main key which was to bring everyone together,” according to James. Everyone in attendance had an outstanding time and their feedback was extremely positive. The event provided a unique experience for everyone in their council.