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Lodge Ledger: 2012 E. Urner Goodman Camping Award Recipients

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The E. Urner Goodman Award was established in 1969 as a tribute and testimonial to the Order's founder. Its purpose is to encourage and challenge Order of the Arrow members and lodges to increase their effectiveness in promoting and increasing Scout camping in each council. Awards are presented to two outstanding lodges in each Region annually. The following lodges are being recognized for their 2012 accomplishments.

Central Region

Jaccos Towne Lodge
Crossroads of America Council #160
Indianapolis, IN

Portage Lodge
Heart of Ohio Council #450
Ashland, Ohio

Northeast Region

Gyantwachia Lodge
Chief Cornplanter Council #538
Warren, Pennsylvania

Lowwapaneu Lodge
Northeastern Pennsylvania Council #501
Moosic, Pennsylvania


Southern Region

Nawakwa Lodge
Heart of Virginia Council #602
Richmond, Virginia

Quapaw Lodge
Quapaw Area Council #18
Little Rock, Arkansas


Western Region

Papago Lodge
Catalina Council #11
Tucson, Arizona

Wiatava Lodge
Orange County Council #39
Santa Ana, California