The Arrowman Service Award (ASA) launched on July 16th, 2014 - the Order of the Arrow’s 99th anniversary - in an effort to recognize those Arrowmen who seek to recommit themselves to the principles of the Order, support their local units and councils and participate in the centennial celebration. Those Arrowmen who earn the award will be able to wear the official ASA patch directly on their sash. Arrowmen, both youth and adult, must work to complete a set of requirements across three categories to earn the award. There are also a few steps that must be completed following the completion of these requirements before the recipient actually receives the Arrowman Service Award patch.
To start, the Arrowman working towards the ASA must present his completed requirement card with all supporting signatures to his or her lodge adviser. The lodge adviser is the key person to determine if the requirements have been met successfully, and will grant the award as appropriate. Arrowmen can work towards the Arrowman Service Award until December 31st, 2015. There is no limit to the number of awards that the lodge can grant, as long as each recipient is determined to have earned the award completely.
Lodge advisers and staff advisers can order the Arrowman Service Award patches from the national office. This form can be e-mailed, mailed, or faxed to the national OA office at the addresses found on the form. Lodges can order a number of patches appropriate for the anticipated number of lodge members who will earn the award, and can place additional orders as needed. The cost per patch is $2.50, and the total amount of the order will be billed to the council of the lodge placing the order.
The Arrowman Service Award provides the means through which every Arrowman across the Order can recommit himself to the principles of the Order of the Arrow as we work to perpetuate them into the next century. Lodges are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these approval and ordering processes for the award and to promote the earning of the award at lodge events and executive committee meetings. Don’t let the opportunity to earn this historic award pass you by!