This is the fourth edition of this publication, and it is dedicated to NOAC recruiting kickoff. Previous editions described the work lodges should to do behind the scenes. Now this will discuss how to unveil NOAC promotions and build up hype within the entire lodge. Lodges should schedule their general recruiting in the fall of 2014, lead by a contingent leader and his contingent adviser. The kick off should include announcements on recruiting incentives and any major fundraising events. Fundraising will continue after the kickoff, but lodges should have a good idea of scholarship availability, discounts for youth participants, and contingent fundraising opportunities that will be ongoing through NOAC.
Ideas that lodges may want to incorporate in planning for the launch:
Media promotions
Lodges should prioritize getting Arrowmen to the kickoff and then keeping them informed once they sign up. Reaching youth has never been more challenging, but lodges have many vehicles available to achieve this. Use them all:
- Social Media
Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and lodge/council websites. Lodges might consider creating a NOAC promotion video to put on YouTube. - Email Lists
Download email addresses, or send an email through LodgeMaster. Broaden the search parameters to include those Arrowmen who may be a year or two behind in dues to get them involved again! Also, ask the council download a list of Scoutmasters/Coaches from ScoutNET to assist in outreach efforts. - Snail Mail
It may be old-fashioned, but a personal letter to a youth may get his attention where an email would not. Also, letters to parents/guardians can help sell the benefits of sending their son to NOAC.
Major Kickoff Event
For most lodges, the Lodge Banquet and/or the Fall Fellowship are the big attendance draws for the year. Regardless of what event draws the most Arrowmen, major pre-registration push should begin at these events. Pull out all the stops. Show the NOAC video. Explain costs and incentive plans. Promote any planned side trips. Unveil commemorative NOAC Lodge flaps. Have handouts ready. Make this opportunity count!
Other Venues
Here are a few other ways that lodges might consider to recruit other Arrowmen to NOAC:
- District/Council Events
Councils hold events where the lodge can show a video or set up a display. This can also be done at district camporees, banquets, and lodge/chapter events as well. One specific idea is to target the Council's Eagle Banquet. This is a great opportunity to provide the answer to the question of “What now” to Eagle Scouts and their parents/guardians. - Unit Visits
Plan to take a few minutes to share about NOAC with the unit's Arrowmen during elections and camp promotions visits. - Ordeals
Be sure to talk to new members about how fun NOAC is and encourage their participation. New parents will need some sort of explanation as well. - Council Executive Board
Consider recruiting at an Executive Board meeting. Many are OA members and might appreciate attending the 100th Anniversary NOAC. - Word of Mouth
Without a doubt, the most effective tool will be the personal testimony of an Arrowman who went to NOAC for the first time in 2012. Arrowmen who have gone to a NOAC are already sold. Lodges should reach that Arrowman who isn't sure why he should go. A well chosen group of dynamic youth who fit this bill will fire up more folks than all other efforts combined. Make this a specific part of the plan not just something that haphazardly happens one-on-one.
The strategies for a public launch will vary lodge by lodge. Each lodge has the same goal: get more folks to sign up for NOAC 2015 than previous conferences. Use imagination and creativity to excite lodge members to want to attend and sign up!
NOAC2015.org #NOAC2015
Download the sample parent letter here (MS Word)