On June 7, 2014, the American Hiking Society sponsored National Trails Day, an officially recognized national holiday which is devoted to our nation’s outdoor trails and conservation efforts. It is a celebration of America’s magnificent trail system that takes place each year on the first Saturday in June. National Trails Day features a series of outdoor activities, designed to promote and celebrate the importance of trails in the United States. Individuals, clubs and organizations from around the country host events on this day in order to share their love of trails with friends, family and their communities. It introduces thousands of Americans to a wide array of trail activities: hiking, biking, paddling, horseback riding, trail running, bird watching and more. It is a great time to showcase beautiful landscapes or special or threatened locations.
This year, Tahosa Lodge, with a membership of approximately 1,300 in the Denver Area Council, sponsored a special hike to honor the occasion. Scouts, Cubs, Arrowmen, families and friends were all invited to attend this event, which featured two hikes: a family-friendly 2.7 mile hike and a more intense 6.9 mile hike to a scenic view at 7,200 ft. The event wasn’t just for people either. Scott Beckett, adviser for Tahosa Lodge, remarked that “it was a real human and doggie event. The mutts enjoyed the hiking!”
Beckett said that the event was “the first of its kind for the OA” and that “there is a large opportunity for this event to be a catalyst to get more kids out into the community to hike and enjoy nature.” He hopes that other lodges will host similar events in their communities to celebrate nature and our country’s trail resources.
So next year, be sure to join the celebration of National Trails Day on June 7. Happy Hiking!