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Lodge Ledger: Talking trash - Arrowmen adopt a road

  Scott Staron             Lodge Ledger

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Seeking a way to serve the community, the Old Dominion Chapter of Amangamek Wipit Lodge in the National Capital Area Council found it right on the side of the road.  They adopted a two-mile stretch of road in Fairfax County, Virginia, and have signed on with the county and the Department of Transportation to pick up debris alongside the road four times a year for the next two years.

“We’ve found some pretty interesting stuff, from barbells to snakes to buckets of paint, and even a $20 bill!” said Beck Hollis, Old Dominion Chapter’s Vice Chief for Activities. “It’s easier to see the trash when all the greenery is gone,” said Hollis, “We had a lot more lush vegetation on the side of the road [in the spring] than we did in the winter, and a lot of it was poison ivy.”

Old Dominon Chapter Chief Ben Washachek said the chapter’s service projects are a great way to engage new members. “I haven’t missed a chapter service project yet,” said Justin Turner, who completed his Ordeal earlier this year.

If your chapter or lodge has an interesting or unique service project, let us know by posting on the national OA Facebook page.