Recently, the key leadership team for the 2016 national program of emphasis, NEXT: A New Century, gathered at Indiana University Bloomington to complete the NEXT planning process. Not only were the national officers, CVCs and lead advisers able to tour the facilities at Indiana University, they also collaborated on several major program initiatives for the event. Check out the updates from the onsite below!
NEXT Factor: This weekend, the 2016 region chiefs introduced the NEXT Factor, an exciting competition to discover the best program idea of the next century! They are asking lodges to submit videos describing new, big ideas to this competition by May 1. 2016 Northeast Region Chief Chris Boyle says, “At NEXT, the idea submissions will be developed by the delegates working with the region chiefs, and then presented to lodge leaders from around the nation in a live competition.” Don’t miss your chance to find the NEXT Factor – visit the NEXT Factor website to learn more.
Innovation: The Innovation Committee has finalized plans for the Innovation Center, a hub for up-level thinking and radical creativity at NEXT. Lodge delegates will be able to take advantage of the resources at the Innovation Center, many of which are modeled after the brainstorming tools of successful start-ups, each day of NEXT!
Membership: On Membership Day, delegates will be able to explore the complex realities of OA and BSA membership issues in an engaging MAZE. The Membership MAZE will let delegates experiment with JTE data to create and test their own solutions to common membership issues. As Membership CVC Matt Henry states, “The MAZE will combine years of JTE data and membership expertise with the creativity and experience of lodge leaders to inspire positive membership growth in the future.”
Program: Program Day will be packed with activities designed to spur the ideas that will propel lodge program into the next century. According to NEXT Program CVC Preston Podolske, “on Program Day, delegates will be enabled to innovate lodge programs to engage their members.” One special event, the Program Fair, will teach delegates to incorporate what they have learned at NEXT and apply it to their home lodges.
Experience: The Experience Committee has brought together an outstanding staff of Arrowmen to guide the crews throughout their time at NEXT. Lodge delegates will be divided into crews for the duration of the event, allowing up-and-coming lodge leaders to connect with Arrowmen from around the nation. Be prepared to make new friends!
If you are interested in finding out more about NEXT: A New Century, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Don’t miss your chance to explore, dream and discover the future of the Order of the Arrow, at NEXT!