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National Planning Meeting App Gives Attendees 21st Century Experience

        Section Sentinel       NPM 2017

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Just like any other year, sections chiefs will converge in Dallas this winter for the National Planning Meeting (NPM) and everything it entails. From electing national officers and conference vice chiefs to planning the program of emphasis, a lot of things remain constant. This year, however, there is a new part of the experience that will help NPM attendees be better prepared for the event.

Section chiefs who have attended a NPM before are familiar with the binder that each participant receives on arrival. It contains their schedule, national officer candidacy petitions and everything else they need to navigate the planning meeting. This year, however, instead of having to lug around a binder, participants will have all the documents at their fingertips. The Order of the Arrow (OA) technology committee has developed a NPM app to replace the binder that participants usually receive. Not only is this more convenient to use, but it also helps “move us toward a paperless, more sustainable experience” at the meeting, according to National Chief Forrest Gertin. The change plays into the OA’s commitment as an outdoor organization to be more environmentally conscious.

Another upside is that many of these documents will be made available to section chiefs before the planning meeting. The app is planning to launch early enough that section chiefs will be able to read the candidacy petitions for national office prior to arrival. Also, other documents related to the meeting should be available in advance to ensure that participants can hit the ground running once NPM starts.

The development of this application is a major step forward for the National Planning Meeting. It will help participants come more prepared and simplify their experience all while helping the organization uphold its commitment to sustainability.