The purpose of the Arrowmen Press Corps (APC) program is to identify Arrowmen who arealready producing relevant content and bring them onto the national OA communications team by utilizing their work to showcase our Order on the local level. Representatives will be able to learn skills and acquire information about happenings in our organization that they may not receive elsewhere.
Based off of the popular NOAC program, APC representatives will sign up as members of their local lodge. These representatives can select their interests in writing, photography or video making and pursue those interests in this program. This will allow for national publications, mailings and social media posts to include local content that otherwise may not be found, and for local writers and photographers to have their work seen nationwide.
Participants in the program will be eligible to earn recognition in the form of a unique patch. To meet the minimum requirements to get a silver level patch, a photographer must submit 10 total photographs, have one used nationally and two used locally. A writer must submit five articles, have one used nationally and two used locally. Finally a videographer must submit three videos, one of which is used nationally and one used locally. Gold level recognition can be reached by fulfilling additional requirements.
When an Arrowman becomes interested in joining the APC he will register as one of three options: writer, photographer or videographer. Upon completing the registration the Arrowman will receive an email welcoming him to the program, explaining the criteria for submissions and other important information. Each participant will receive invites to bi-monthly conference calls where important information will be dispersed as well as things like writing tips, guest speakers and interesting things happening in our Order. When a member submits an article, not only will they receive their articles status in return, but also feedback that can help them improve their writing outside of the press corps. To find out more information and register to be a part of this program, email us at @email!