For every member of the Order of the Arrow, their membership began with a decision: first the decision of their fellows to elect them as a candidate, then their own decision to step forward and complete their induction. Since then, each member of the OA has made countless decisions—each one shaping their future.
The world is now changing faster than it ever has, and what it means to be a young person today is different than it was even a decade ago. The decisions we make today will define the next century of our Brotherhood. And the time to act is now.
The NOAC 2018 slogan, revealed during the 2017 National Planning Meeting, is Decide Your Destiny. This slogan reinforces the conference learning objective: Today’s decisions shape tomorrow’s reality. Together, these elements make up the NOAC theme.
For some, destiny might evoke the image of a mountaintop, or some other summit. But our future is not a journey upward; it’s a journey inward. It’s not a pyramid, but a maze. Each decision we make can bring us closer to the center—or send us spiraling out toward the edges. The maze represents the decisions we make each year.
The logo itself evokes the centennial logo, but evolved into something more symbolic. It’s both a literal challenge to be solved and an open question: what’s at the center of the maze?