The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) was created in 1940 to honor those persons who render service to the Order beyond the lodge level. The award is presented to those OA members who render distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional or national basis. It is given primarily for dedicated service to the Order and Scouting over a period of years. The award is presented every two to three years during the National Order of the Arrow Conference. Since the time the first awards were presented, less than 910 Distinguished Service Awards have been awarded. Young men under 21 and adults (volunteer and professional) are eligible for nomination. Nominations will not be accepted or considered for posthumous awards. All DSA nominations must be received by the OA director no later than 5 pm (CST) on January 31st, 2015.
The Red Arrow Award, for distinguished service to the Order, is presented by the national Order of the Arrow committee to either non-Scouters or Scouters who are not members of the OA. This service may take many forms and should involve a significant period of time, as opposed to a single event. Only a limited number of awards will be presented; therefore, only those nominees whose accomplishments are of the highest order will be recognized. Nominations will not be accepted or considered for posthumous awards. Red Arrow Award nominations must be received by the OA director no later than 5 pm (CST) on January 31st, 2015.
Recommendations for the DSA and the Red Arrow Award must be submitted using the appropriate nomination form, which can be found in the Forms section.