As we get closer to July 2017, planning for the Order of the Arrow’s presence at the 2017 National Jamboree is in full swing! Operation Arrow staff is already over 45% full, and we are eagerly accepting applications from youth Arrowmen ages 16-20 to fill the remaining spots. At NEXT: A New Century, there will be several ways in which Operation Arrow will complement and enhance this hands-on, high energy event.
This includes exclusive insight from Operation Arrow key leadership and Project 2013 alumni. They will be available to share their jamboree experiences and answer any questions delegates may have about staffing in 2017. Project 2013 alumni can be easily identified by the powder blue Operation Arrow shirts they are wearing at various occasions throughout the conference. Have a question about the OA’s role at jamboree or what new programs will be at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in 2017? Don’t hesitate to ask!
Additionally, Operation Arrow will serve as a promotional and recruitment model for delegates. They will learn about some of the Operation Arrow Marketing & Promotion Team’s successful grassroots initiatives, which can be emulated locally to recruit staff for a chapter, lodge or section weekend, promote an upcoming event and increase overall membership retention.
The opportunities are unlimited; be on the lookout for special opportunities to engage and interact with our leadership team at NEXT. In the meantime, for more information on Operation Arrow, visit oa-bsa.org/jamboree and follow us on Twitter @OperationArrow.
We look forward to fueling Scouting’s second century with you!