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Section Sentinel: Effective ways to share the ArrowTour experience


You're viewing an article from the Order of the Arrow's news archives that is over one year old. Please note that this content is presented for reference purposes only. Some links may no longer function and the information below may have been superseded by a more recent policy update. For up-to-date information, please visit

Dear section chiefs and advisers:

The national events team needs your assistance in promoting ArrowTour, one of our centennial's national events. Section chiefs who help actively promote ArrowTour will be eligible for a unique prize by doing the following:

  1. Highlight an article on your section website home page and have at least one social media post.
  2. Get all of your lodges to post an article on their lodge website home page (if they have one) and have at least one social media post.
  3. Enter for a chance to win this awesome prize at by July 15th. Also earn bonus points for extra promotional efforts (e.g., article on council website, playing promo video at section or lodge events, using table tents at events, getting an article in the council newsletter).

Here are several suggested ways to actively promote this exceptional OA centennial celebration event:

  • Highlight an article and banner about ArrowTour on your section's website
  • Garner buzz about ArrowTour by posting on your section's social media networks
  • Encourage all of your lodges to put an article and banner on their lodge website
  • Encourage all of your lodges to post about a local ArrowTour event on social media
  • Show the ArrowTour promo video at section events and lodge events that you attend
  • Mention ArrowTour in your speeches
  • Take table tents with you to lodge visits (the tents on the promotions website look good in both color and black and white)
  • Encourage lodges to collaborate with their council marketing team (e.g., ask for an article in the council newsletter, council website article and banner, list ArrowTour on council calendar)
  • Implore lodges to collaborate with district communications chairs (e.g., article in district newsletter, district website article and banner, list on district calendar and roundtable flyer)
  • Encourage lodges to develop unique program enhancements to take to ArrowTour and promote their creative ideas
  • Encourage lodges to set up carpools to visit ArrowTour
  • Check in with your host lodges to see if they need assistance in supporting their ArrowTour hosting commitment and encourage other lodges in your section to volunteer to help out the host lodge

Remember, all Scouts and community members from within and surrounding the host council/lodge are welcome to attend.



With your help, this historic tour will help build the foundation for our next 100 years of service and brotherhood. We appreciate and thank you for supporting this important centennial program!

National Events Promotions Team