NOTE: This article is the first part of a multi-part series on JTE.
Beginning in 2012, the introduction of the Journey to Excellence (JTE) program evolved the way we understand membership and program data in the Order of the Arrow (OA). JTE aims to measure the performance of a chapter, lodge, or section, including what areas are excelling as well as what areas require more attention. Seventeen objectives are organized in six categories: membership, program, unit service, finance, council support, and leadership & governance. Based on a scorecard format, each JTE objective is measured in one of three levels of recognition, increasing in difficulty: Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Three levels of our organization use the Journey to Excellence program: chapters, lodges and sections (although chapter JTE is determined by the lodge). The JTE criteria are frequently evaluated and updated to reflect the needs of lodges across the country.
Journey to Excellence is your lodge’s roadmap for the calendar year. This series will aim at explaining the different pieces of the JTE criteria so that you may create more specific goals aimed at improving your lodge. Your lodge’s JTE performance from the previous year will allow you to determine your lodge’s strengths and weaknesses – in what areas should you continue what you’re doing, and in what areas the lodge should look to improve. After identifying where improvement is needed, the lodge leadership should look for ideas on how to succeed. Use LodgeMaster to track your lodge’s progress in accomplishing the goals set in the beginning and throughout the year.
Several resources are at your disposal to understand the Journey to Excellence Program. This series will focus on the 2018 JTE performance points scorecard and will detail all seventeen objectives by providing best practices and other resources to help your lodge. Stay tuned!
Journey to Excellence resources: