Different from past jamborees, this year each staffer is handling their tenting independently. You are still, however, welcome to tent with another Operation Arrow staff member. Operation Arrow will be housed in Base Camp Alpha.
- All staff are encouraged to bring a personal tent not to exceed 10’x9.5′.
- Staff will have the opportunity to tent individually, if providing their own tent.
- Cots will be made available to all staff on loan and must be returned at the conclusion of the jamboree.
- Cots are 76.75’’ L x 33.25”W x 18.25H.
- There will not be electricity provided for each tent; however, there will be charging areas available.
All BSA and Youth Protection policies are applicable. Staff members sharing a tent must be in the same gender and in the same age range as you: female or male; younger than 18, 18 to 20, or 21 and older. If sharing a tent, staff members are encouraged, though not required, to share a tent with fellow staff in the same Operation Arrow committee to increase camaraderie. More information on specific assignments will be provided at a later date.
For any inquiries on tenting arrangements, please email @email.