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Why your lodge's Arrowmen should attend Wachipi


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Lodge leaders,

Your Arrowmen are strongly encouraged to attend Wachipi, an American Indian Seminar at Philmont Scout Ranch from June 6th -10th. Wachipi is the Lakota word for dance, a gathering of people, and at Wachipi you will have the opportunity to share fellowship and meet like-minded Arrowmen from around the country that share a passion and interest in the American Indian dance, singing and crafts with the backdrop of the pinnacle of Scouting.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn from experts around the country about the different styles of American Indian dancing and singing. They will get to participate in American Indian craft workshops in bead, feather, wood, bone, and leather work; they will be able to take their completed craft work projects home. There will also be classes on proper ceremony team regalia, and powwows which will be an opportunity to learn about and experience American Indian foods. Guests will also have the opportunity to be a part of the painting of an American Indian tipi. Additionally, Wachipi will provide a better understanding of the role that American Indian Lore fills in Scouting and the OA. During the week limited recreation opportunities will be available for guests to explore parts of beautiful Philmont Scout Ranch.

Both youth and adults are invited to attend. Those who come back will be change agents for their lodges with the enhanced knowledge and passion to rekindle a lodge’s American Indian activities. For the lodge chiefs out there, the lodge chief that sends the most Arrowmen to Wachipi from each region will receive a Pendleton blanket as a gift --  a beautiful American Indian blanket, great for capote making.

Registration is open and will be individually based; you can register here. The cost will be $285 for all Arrowmen. Stay tuned on the OA’s social media channels for more information!

We hope to see you there!


The Wachipi planning team