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World Scout Jamboree: Rover Brigade

  Forrest Gertin             Lodge Ledger

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Dear Brother,

Last summer, Operation Arrow played a vital role in the execution of the 2017 National Jamboree and our services are needed again. The reputation of the Arrowmen in ‘zesty blue’ has spread around the world and we are once again being called upon to provide cheerful service at the Summit Bechtel Reserve, this time to the 24th World Scout Jamboree in the summer of 2019.

You have two amazing opportunities to join the staff of the World Scout Jamboree as part of our Rover Brigade and provide service in support of the 50,000 scouts from over 160 countries we will be hosting. The Rover Brigade is composed of two teams, the Puma Patrol and the Baden-Powell Corps.


The Puma Patrol is sourced exclusively from the countries sponsoring the World Jamboree (US, Canada, and Mexico) and designed to be a cadre of 'Hosts' for the WSJ. These energetic and highly engaged young adults will be charged with driving cultural engagement in base camps and integrating across program areas to enhance the social components of jamboree activities — like a cross between a camp commissioner and a Philmont Ranger. For example, these individuals will emcee base camp bashes, lead evening games and reflections in sub-camps, and help units navigate their jamboree trek experience to Mt. Jack.


The Baden-Powell Corps is open to Scouts from around the world. Similar to the OA Service Corps, the BP Corps will be the International Service Team's go-to group for manpower and program support — it is the perfect spot for Scouts who love to solve problems, while making international friends in the process. If you enjoy the value of hard work, thinking on your feet, and quickly adapting to challenges, this is the place for you. Examples of daily projects may include setting up program areas, ushering at jamboree shows, and leading service projects around the Summit.


Don’t let finances stand in the way! We know the World Scout Jamboree costs more than most Scouting events, but it’s also unlike any other Scouting event on the planet. And for the first time in nearly half-a-century, it’s coming to our backyard! Some scholarships are available, which can reduce the cost by as much as 50%.

The success of the 24th World Scout Jamboree depends on the dedicated efforts of staff members like you who believe in the value of service! We hope to see you back at the Summit next summer as part of the Rover Brigade.

Yours in Scouting,

Forrest J. Gertin    Preston H. Marquis
Chief Rover Lead Adviser