With the cancellation of the 1942 National Meeting due to wartime restrictions a special National Executive Committee meeting was called. It was held on December 27 – 29 at the Hotel Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In some ways the meeting was a throwback to the old Grand Lodge days when the national meeting was held at a hotel.
Joe Brinton served as chairman of the Nominating Committee and reported that as a result of an advisory ballot a slate of officers was nominated and elected. Four-time National Scribe H. Lloyd Nelson of Unami Lodge who had served with distinction since 1933 was selected to serve as National Chief. Nelson became the first non-professional Scouter to serve as Chieftain of Wimachtendienk. John C. Norsk of Allogagan Lodge, Springfield, Massachusetts was selected National Secretary and Richard H. Heistand, Nentico Lodge, Baltimore, Maryland was selected National Treasurer. The other members selected for the National Executive Committee were George Mozealous, Joseph Brinton, J. Rucker Newbery, Herbert L. Gaskin and R. L. Van Horn. George E. Chronic was the new representative selected by the National Council, BSA.