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Our History

Article Decade History Order
1927 New York Yankees 1921-1930 1927.2
Last "Annual" Grand Lodge Meeting 1921-1930 1927.3
First Ceremony Booklet 1921-1930 1927.4
Second Degree Questionnaire Required 1921-1930 1927.9
OA Obligation Timeline
First Regional Meetings 1921-1930 1928.5
Eighth Grand Lodge Meeting 1921-1930 1929.2
Five Chicago Lodges Merge 1921-1930 1929.4
Stock Market Crash 1921-1930 1929.6
Hoover Elected President 1921-1930 1929.8
50th Lodge Formed 1921-1930 1930.5
Goodman - First Director of Program 1931-1940 1931.2
Goodman - As Director of Program 1931-1940 1931.4
Ceremonies Principal Characters Change 1931-1940 1931.6
Ninth Grand Lodge Meeting 1931-1940 1931.8
Change in Vigil Honor Totem 1931-1940 1931.2
First Known African American Second Degree 1931-1940 1932.2
Takodah Chapter of Owasippe 1931-1940 1932.4
Roosevelt Elected President 1931-1940 1932.6
OA Becomes Official Experiment 1931-1940 1932.8
Tenth Grand Lodge Meeting 1931-1940 1933.3
Formation National Executive Committee 1931-1940 1934.4
Third Degree / Vigil Honor OA Sashes 1931-1940
OA Becomes Official Scout Program 1931-1940 1934.2
National Jamborees
1935 National Jamboree Cancelled 1931-1940 1935.1
Changes in Terminology 1931-1940 1935.5
Tribe Reverts back to "Lodge" 1931-1940 1936.2
Berlin Olympics 1931-1940 1936.4
First known African American Vigil Honor 1931-1940 1936.8
Emerson James 1931-1940 1936.5
Lawrence Branch 1931-1940 1936.8
Ceremonial Rituals are Changed 1931-1940 1936.3
George Lower 1931-1940 1936.7
100th Lodge 1931-1940 1937.7
National "Areas" Created 1931-1940 1938.2
Twelfth National Lodge Meeting 1931-1940 1938.4
National Bonnets 1931-1940 1938.6
Joseph Brunton 1931-1940 1938.8
First Vigil Honor Certificates 1931-1940 1938.3
Thomas Cairns 1931-1940 1938.9
Chief Scout Executive Becomes OA Member 1931-1940 1938.6
Philmont Donated to BSA 1931-1940 1938.5
Waite Phillips 1931-1940 1938.7
150th Lodge Formed 1931-1940 1939.4
OA Requests First Uniform Insignia 1931-1940 1940.1
Change in Designation of Areas to Letters 1931-1940 1940.4
Vigil Honor Ceremony Changes 1931-1940 1940.2
25th Anniversary of the OA 1931-1940 1940.4
25th Anniversary OA Meeting 1931-1940 1940.6