Beyond the success of the OA Trail Crew (OATC) program, the 1995 OA Retreat held August 20 – 24, 1995 also was a sensation for the 400 attendees. Reminiscent of conclave training, there were four seminar choices: American Indian events, ceremonies, quality program development and showmanship. T
he Indian track included 80 differen
t topics; the ceremony track discussed the induction process, individual parts, and coaching teams. The quality program development track was divided into mock “lodges” and build a lodge program, and the showmanship track covered use of video cameras, the editing process, and how-to create slide shows for lodge and section events.
Each evening had an event, which included a traditional Philmont welcome with “The New Mexico Story” and the formal investiture of National Chief Josh Feigelson and Vice Chief David Clark. Other evening programs included a “Meet the Man” forum and cracker barrel, and an ice cream social. The Retreat concluded with a special slide show that profiled the work and success of the OA Trail Crew program, speeches by the national chief and National OA Committee Chairman Ed Pease, and an 80th anniversary birthday party for the Order.