The 1973 National Scout Jamboree was split between two locations: Farragut State Park, Idaho (August 1 to 7) and Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania (August 3 to 9) with the theme “Growing Together”. A total of 73,610 Scouts participated in this first and only dual Jamboree that featured “home troops” as opposed to the traditional council contingent jamboree troops.
The intent was to have “one
” Jamboree at two locations, so event results and activities were shared and communicated between the two sites. There were no regional winners, but there was one Jamboree winner for each event. Scouts at the Jamboree West saw comedian Bob Ho
pe and Scouts at the Jamboree East saw entertainer Danny Thomas.
“Firsts” that occurred at the two Jamborees were the introduction of a Merit Badge Midway, an Arts and Sciences Expo, and the inclusion of a host of new patrol and individual competitions, including athletic events and an orienteering test.
In addition, the 1973 jamboree would, for the first time, use a Youth Advisory Committee formed from OA members. A total of 36 Arrowmen were elected at the 1971 NOAC (three from each of the then twelve Regions) to serve on the committee.