Kenneth P. Davis, Ph.D. is a committed Scouter who has served the Order and Scouts for over a half century. Davis is best known by a generation of Arrowmen as the author of The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service, The History of the Order of the Arrow. Davis is considered one of the foremost authorities on the history of the Order of the Arrow.
Ken Davis was appointed to the Nati
onal OA Committee in 1974 where he still serves today over 35 years later.
He has served on over 25 Wood Badge courses including many as Scoutmaster. He has been Scoutmaster of OA Service Corps troops at jamborees and has served as School Director at National Camping Schools.
Davis also authored The History of Wood Badge and most recently Born at the Confluence, A History of the Philmont Staff Association.
Davis has received many of Scouting’s most prestigious awa
rds including the Silver Beaver Award, Silver Antelope Award and the Silver Buffalo Award. He received the Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service Award (DSA) in 1977.