Q: I am a Lodge Training Adviser and I am working with my chairman to put together the program for our next lodge training event. As a past Lodge Adviser, I used to receive the youth and adult training syllabi (hard copy and on diskette) at each NOAC, but I have not been to the last few NOACs, and have been using old training materials. I would like some new materials. Are any of the recent syllabi available online on your web site, or could they be e-mailed to me?
A: We have created the OA Training website for this exact reason. This website allows Arrowmen to easily locate pertinent material to aid in presenting and facilitating quality training to chapter, lodge, and section audiences.
This continually updated "one-stop-shop" also allows individuals to research topics on their own, advancing in their knowledge and fostering better understanding of key topics. To access this resource center, please visit oa-scouting.org/training.