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Q/A: Reprinting Website Material

Q: Is it possible to reprint material from the OA website and the National Bulletin in local lodge newsletters and other lodge publications?

A: In general, you may freely reprint material from the national OA website in local publications as part of the program of the OA as long as you give credit to where the material came from. A simple byline of "from the National OA Website," is fine.

We do ask that material on the national OA website not be copied to a local web site. Instead, please use a link on your site to the appropriate page on the national site. (For example, a simple entry like "The OA Strategic Plan [on the national OA website]" is quite common.) This ensures that your users will always receive the most accurate and updated information, and it also saves you unnecessary time editing or retyping our pages into your site.

When linking to PDFs on the national website, please link to the page where the resource can be found and avoid linking directly to PDFs. PDF URLs can and do change without notice.