A major focus of our Reemerging from COVID-19 initiatives centers on membership. Our priority has been to concentrate on ensuring elections are conducted and inductions are completed. This effort will continue, but it only addresses the new member side of the membership equation. The greater opportunity and challenge we face is in ensuring we retain the members we already have inducted. This becomes critically important as we approach the end of the calendar year.
Given the range of challenges faced by our council and lodges this year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (cancelled camping seasons, units not meeting, virtual meeting fatigue, etc.), it should not surprise anyone that we will face a more challenging retention year this year than we likely have in our lifetimes.
Given that reality, the National Committee has developed a three-tiered incentive program to assist lodges in maximizing membership retention for the remainder of 2020. These incentives go into effect immediately and will remain in effect through December 31, 2020. They are summarized below:
Member Incentive
Any member registered by the end of this year will receive a code for 30% off any single order (with limited exceptions) from the OA trading post as a “thank you” for sticking with us this year. To qualify for this incentive, a member must be a current dues paid member in OA LodgeMaster on December 31, 2020, and the lodge must submit their 2021 recharter package no later than December 31, 2020.
Discount codes will be provided directly to qualifying individuals through their currently registered LodgeMaster primary email address during January 2021 following receipt of the lodge’s 2021 recharter package at the national OA office. Individuals will have up to 30 days following receipt of their code to place an order, after which the code will expire. The discount can only be used once during this period and will apply to most items.
Leadership Incentive
Any lodge leadership that can beat the current membership projection for their lodge by 50% will earn the OA “COVID-19” limited edition recognition membership retention patch for its leadership (i.e., the entire LEC and its chapter officers at the discretion of the Lodge LEC). There will be no charge for these patches.
- Each lodge’s membership projection is now available as a new report in LodgeMaster called ‘Activate 2020’ and includes projections for a lodge’s elections, inductions, and end of year membership.
- To earn this incentive, lodges must beat the membership projection by 50%. If a lodge’s previous year membership was 1,000, and their year-end projection is 700, the lodge must reach 850 members to qualify for this incentive.
Qualifying lodges will be determined in January based on data from their 2021 recharter package. Those lodges who qualify will be contacted by the national OA office staff in January to determine the number of recognition items to be provided. There will be no charge to lodges. Recognition items will be delivered to lodges in the spring for distribution.
Growth Incentive
For any lodge that recharters at a number higher than their 2019 total lodge membership as reflected on their 2020 charter renewal package, all members of the lodge will earn the OA “COVID-19” limited edition recognition membership retention patch. Patches will be provided in the spring of 2021 with one patch being provided for each member registered on their 2021 charter renewal package. There will be no charge to the lodge for these patches. In addition, we will provide members of lodges that experience membership growth with a 50% discount on the premium delegate package for the May 2021 Momentum event.
Suggested Campaign Plan
- Utilize all communication channels employed by the lodge to announce the OA Trading Post Member Incentive.
- Members who have already paid 2020 dues are already qualified.
- Members whose dues are received by the lodge prior to January 1, 2021, are qualified.
- Circulate a campaign flier (sample below).
- Organize a calling committee to contact active members whose dues are not yet paid and start making individual calls.
- Use the new LodgeMaster ‘Activate 2020’ report for the LEC to monitor the progress of the campaign.
- Post the progress chart you develop on your lodge website and ensure the LEC reviews progress each time the chart is updated.
- Provide weekly updates through October, twice-weekly in November and early December, and daily updates the last two weeks of December.
- Export this approach to the chapter level if applicable.
- Add a lodge level incentive to supplement the national incentive—examples include:
- A specially designed lodge patch
- Free admission to the next lodge fellowship
- Waiver of fees for 2020 dues
- Discounts in the lodge trading post
- Get the word out to parents who may want to provide a “gift certificate” to the OA Trading Post as a Christmas gift.
Activate 2020 Report in LodgeMaster
The Activate 2020 report is available in LodgeMaster:
- Click "Members" on the main left menu.
- Click "Static Reports" from the top menu.
- Choose the "Activate 2020" report.
- The report will open in a new window and run automatically.
An example of the Activate 2020 report is shown below.
Sample Member Incentive Lodge/Chapter Flier
Special Opportunity for Members whose 2021 Lodge Dues are paid by December 31st
30% Discount at the

- How do you qualify? Your 2020 dues must be received by the lodge before January 1, 2021.
- What’s included? All in-stock items in the trading post, other than:
- Items listed under the Personalized Items and Awards tab
- The OA Summit Circle Barnwood Relief
- Discount codes will be provided directly to qualifying individuals.
- LodgeMaster primary email addresses will be used
- Discount codes will be issued in January 2021
- Discount codes must be used within 30 days of issue
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to get OA Trading Post items at a substantial discount!
Ensure your 2021 lodge dues are paid now!