When lodges issue membership cards, frequently lodge secretaries are stuck stuffing envelopes, chasing down members at chapter meetings, or otherwise spending valuable time and energy with the routine task of putting membership cards in members’ hands. One lodge uses a service advertised by the United States Postal Service called Click2Mail. This service allows a lodge to design a postcard in the form of a membership card. Using LodgeMaster, a lodge can export names and addresses directly to the postcard using the mail merge feature. Then, the service will print and mail the lodge’s membership cards without any additional time on the lodge’s part! To maximize the use of this service, the lodge can also include other information on the postcard, such as a lodge calendar.
For more information, check out the USPS website for direct mail at https://www.usps.com/send/design-mail-and-postage.htm. For the Click2Mail service, go to https://click2mail.com/.
The above resource was submitted by Papago Lodge, Catalina Council, in Tucson, Arizona. The lodge uses direct mail to ease the burden on limited lodge resources. How does your lodge make it easier to focus on what matters? Let us know at ChapterReso@email.