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LECM Agenda

Lodges which struggle with efficient lodge executive committee meetings may benefit from using a simple, effective agenda. An agenda will help keep the meeting on topic, and will manage the participants’ expectations regarding the course of the meeting.

Below is a sample agenda. If your lodge doesn’t use an agenda, try adapting this one for your own use. Email it to your participants ahead of time to give them a sense of the upcoming business. Print out a copy for each participant and have them ready when participants arrive. The lodge secretary should retain a copy for including with the lodge minutes. The lodge chief can also make a separate agenda, called an “extended agenda” with additional notes and talking points to remind him of topics to cover. The extended agenda is the lodge chief’s personal agenda and need not be distributed.



Lodge Executive Committee Meeting


Presiding: Chief’s name



  1. Obligation
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Minutes (presented by lodge secretary)
  4. Financial Report (presented by lodge treasurer)
  5. Committee Reports (managed by a lodge vice-chief, reported by lodge-level chairman)
    1. Brotherhood
    2. Camp Promotion
    3. Ceremonies
    4. Dance Team
    5. Drum Team
    6. Elangomat
    7. First-Year Arrowman program
    8. Historical
    9. Internet
    10. Membership
    11. Nominations
    12. Publications
    13. Quartermaster
    14. Service
    15. Spirit
    16. Trading Post
    17. Unit Elections
    18. Vigil
  1. Chapter Reports (managed by vice-chief, reported by chapter chiefs)
    1. List Chapters in alphabetical order
  2. Old Business (managed by lodge chief)
    1. List old business for discussion and action
  3. New Business (managed by lodge chief)
    1. List new business for discussion
  4. Staff Adviser’s minute
  5. Lodge Adviser’s minute
  6. Closing


Next LEC Meeting – Give date and location


This resource was submitted by O-Shot-Caw Lodge in Miami Lakes, Florida, which has used this kind of agenda for more than thirty-five years. The lodge has experienced tremendous success with this method and continues to achieve great things with its implementation. To submit your best practice, send an email to @email.