Experienced Arrowmen sometimes forget what it’s like to be a brand-new Ordeal member. The principles taught during the Ordeal, and the information presented at a new member orientation, can be overwhelming.
When does a new Ordeal member get to digest this information and, at the same time, introduce his family to the OA?
Marnoc Lodge hosts a new member dinner each year after the induction season has ended. The lodge hosts this dinner without charge to new Ordeal members and their parents. At the dinner, the lodge re-introduces the OA to its newest members, explains the lodge’s various committees and invites participation, offers insight into how the lodge is structured, and encourages attendance at upcoming events. The dinner includes a “Question & Answer” session, and the lodge trading post opens.
The lodge adviser also has a separate meeting with the parents in attendance. The lodge adviser introduces adult advisers, encourages youth participation, and provides parents with confidence in the youth leadership of the lodge.
Marnoc Lodge has enjoyed this successful event and plans to continue offering this service to its new members and parents.
The above resource was submitted by Marnoc Lodge in Akron, Ohio. Marnoc Lodge boasts membership of more than 700, and encourages other lodges to share their ideas of how to increase new member retention. Do so by e-mailing @email.