You are an active member of your chapter and/or your lodge. If you are not already a leader in your chapter or lodge, you are certainly emerging as a leader. You are likely someone who has already attended one of the five OAHA programs, or who are eager to participate in the coming years.
Members of the promotions team are expected to ask their chapter and/or lodge chief to present the OAHA programs to an audience of OA members at a chapter or lodge event at least once per year (likely at an Ordeal or fellowship). In addition, they are expected to work with their chapter and lodge leadership to promote OAHA on social media, through chapter/lodge newsletters, or other channels of promotion that their chapter/lodge uses.
The OAHA Subcommittee of the national OA committee is a vital resource to the promotions team. You will become a well-respected and known OA member by this national subcommittee, and will have the opportunity to be part of the subcommittee as you spend time on the team.
Whoever you are, we are eager and excited to have you join the team! Please reach out if you would like to learn more.
About the OA Volunteer Board
As a nonprofit organization that prioritizes youth leadership, the Order of the Arrow relies on a dedicated team of both youth and adult volunteers to ensure the successful operation of its programs. The national volunteer opportunities within this board are intended for individuals who have already given substantial time at the lodge, section, and region level, and still seek to volunteer further in the OA. For more information on the OA’s structure please see this page.
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