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SOS: The Section Officer Seminar, a Sensational OA Success

  Eli Levsky             Officer Outlook

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Section Officers Summit Recap

Across the nation, section officers gathered with their respective regions for a weekend of training and team-building. Attendees participated in various training sessions from position-specific training and region operations to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

After participating in the DEI session and brainstorming with her fellow officers from Section G17N, Tess S. said her section would be creating a uniform closet to make Scouting more accessible for those who face a financial barrier to entry. Officers didn’t only brainstorm DEI initiatives but were given a chance to discuss how to make their conclaves more effective.

Section E2 Chief John Hutchinson remarked that improving his section’s conclave is a great way to activate new members. “It can give them a great reason to stay involved in the OA so finding some creative ways to get them engaged and involved with conclave could help us serve our lodges,” Hutchinson said.

Section officers were afforded plenty of time to create plans and SMART goals for the sections they could implement. At the Gateway Region SOS in Kansas City, MO, sections presented their vision to their fellow officers, which provided an opportunity for sections to find new ideas from around the region. Section G3 Secretary Christian Kilburn learned how other sections connect with their lodges and create personal relationships.

Eastern Region Chief Alex Pillis reflected, “Sections are definitely prepared to forge their future. At SOS, our officers gained the knowledge necessary to be the most successful they can be for the rest of their term, but also gained connections with other leaders that will last for decades.”

Fellowship was evident in both regions, and attendees created lifelong friendships. Some of the most incredible memories from SOS included kayaking and creating Play-Doh sculptures. Both Hutchinson and Section E2 Vice Chief Michael Ferdig enjoyed the mountain bike excursion in the beautiful North Carolinian scenery. At the same time, Section G6 Secretary Haley F. found touring the Kansas City Chiefs’ Arrowhead Stadium insanely cool.

In the coming months, lodges around the country can expect innovative and supportive initiatives coming out of their sections to better support Arrowmen and lodges. With the new relationships these officers made with one another, they know they have friends they can turn to for new ideas and feedback. At the end of the day, the lodges win when the strengthened and well-trained sections begin to plan their great conclaves and lodge support.

Section G9 Chief Collin Welke, with Vice Chief Kyle Land and Secretary Eli Levsky, presents their section’s “artwork,” or vision for how Section G9 will face and rise above challenges.
Section G9 Chief Collin Welke, with Vice Chief Kyle Land and Secretary Eli Levsky, presents their section’s “artwork,” or vision for how Section G9 will face and rise above challenges.
Lifelong friendships were created between officers at SOS; pictured here are a group of Gateway Region section secretaries who still continue to talk frequently and remain friends.
Lifelong friendships were created between officers at SOS; pictured here are a group of Gateway Region section secretaries who still continue to talk frequently and remain friends.
One of the many activities at the Gateway SOS was to recreate “The Scout,” a statue in Kansas City, MO, using Play-Doh and the other provided materials; pictured here is the design created by the officers and advisers of Section G6, which includes Gateway Region iconography and surprises for their upcoming conclave.
One of the many activities at the Gateway SOS was to recreate “The Scout,” a statue in Kansas City, MO, using Play-Doh and the other provided materials; pictured here is the design created by the officers and advisers of Section G6, which includes Gateway Region iconography and surprises for their upcoming conclave.