Attention Arrowmen! Is your lodge or section in need of improvement with communication? Do you have a leadership position within your section or lodge? Do you want to improve your communication between your committees? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you could be a Local Key Communicator!
The main purpose of a “Local Key Communicator” is to strengthen communication with the local levels of the Order of the Arrow through resources provided by the National Communications Committee. These resources include templates for articles, emails, and letters, guides on how to build communications committees, and a direct line of communication with the Local Support team.
“What we do as Local Support members is to provide and guide Key Communicators with a communications toolkit,” explained Rebecca Specht, the Local Support Lead.
The main job of the toolkit is to help the lodges create a website if they don’t already have one or to put out posts on their social media. All you have to do is follow a guide or put your lodge information into a template.
Key Communicators don’t only get the opportunity to work on this initiative, but also, throughout the year, there are several virtual meetings where you and other key communicators from around the country share and discuss ways to improve communication.
“Being a Key Communicator gives you access to the ears of the National Communications Committee so that you can provide your feedback and we can better support lodge growth and stability. This position allows you to serve your fellow Arrowmen in a very unique and important role. You will gain experience in a leadership role and inspire others as a role model of leadership and service,” said Rebecca.
To be a Local Key Communicator, you must be in a position within your lodge or section where your main job is communicating information to other members, such as a communications vice chief, section secretary, or a committee member similar to a communications or promotions committee. There is no age requirement to be a local key communicator, so any youth, youth-plus, and adults are welcome. There will be several virtual meetings throughout the year where Key Communicators meet up and learn, share, and collaborate on ways to improve communication.
If you want to become a Local Key Communicator, please fill out this form to join. Communication is critical to growth within the Order of the Arrow, and being a Local Key Communicator is the easiest way to increase that growth.