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Live from Dallas

Introducing the new national website

In case you haven't noticed… the national Order of the Arrow (OA) website has been completely redesigned!...

SURGE Recognition Device

A committee of Arrowmen primarily from Section W-2W has been working hard for the past two years to develop a...

Order of the Arrow embraces environmental sustainability

In 2013, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) commenced the integration of sustainability at every level of its organization, promoted...

2018 National Order of the Arrow Officers elected

Anthony Peluso – 2018 National Chief “Ever since first getting involved in the Order of the Arrow in 2014, the OA...

What to expect at NOAC 2018

With a return to Indiana University, new conference programs and the introduction of remote delegates, this NOAC has the potential...

2018 Disaster Relief Efforts

In September 2017, the southeastern United States was struck by two category five hurricanes, Irma and Maria. With winds that...

2018 OA Service Grant Recipients

Since 1999, the National OA Committee has annually selected lodges from each region to receive matching service grants.  For 2018,...

2017 National Officer Biographies

Meet the Order of the Arrow's 2017 national officers, elected at the 2016 National Planning Meeting in Dallas, TX. Forrest Gertin...

2017 National Chief Elected

The 2017 national chief and national vice-chief were elected Tuesday evening at the national planning meeting. Congratulations to 2017 National...

2016 National Officer Biographies

Meet your 2016 national Order of the Arrow officers! They were elected by their fellow section chiefs at the 2015 National Planning...

2016 National Vice Chief Elected

The 2016 national vice chief was elected Monday afternoon at the national planning meeting. Congratulations to 2016 National Vice Chief...

The Dallas Experience

An inside look at the National Planning Meeting Every year, Section Chiefs, members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee,...