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OA Today

News for all Arrowmen about what's happening today in the Order of the Arrow.

Seek New Experiences and Connections at Conclave

Next to a National Order of the Arrow Conference or National Scout Jamboree, a section conclave is one of the...

NOAC Theme Announcement

The theme for the 2024 National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) is “Seek New Heights,” which will be tied...

Revised Officer Handbook Release

Recently, changes have been made to the Order of the Arrow’s guidebooks. The Field Operations Guide was renamed the Field...

Helping All Arrowmen Reach New Heights

The Ordeal Ceremony is a highly anticipated event for candidates that marks the next step of their journey towards becoming...

An Arrowman Is A Friend

An Arrowman is a brother. Something that the Order of the Arrow values is fellowship. Fellowship provides a bonding opportunity...

An Arrowman is Career Ready

The Order of the Arrow is built upon the idea of leadership and spirit, the ideas that further change and...

An Arrowman Is A Servant Leader

An integral part of the Boy Scouts of America  and the Order of the Arrow is service to others and...

An Arrowman Is A Role Model

There’s nothing more exciting than having a national officer at an Order of the Arrow function. It always proves to...

An Arrowman Is Welcoming

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, although not a new concept, has helped Arrowmen across the nation feel more comfortable and included...

Apply to be an OAHA Foreman

Hear from just some of the men and women who have made memories that will last a lifetime while in...

Sam Eng: A Lifetime of Scouting

Sam Eng is the perfect example of someone you might consider a veteran Scouter. His long involvement in the program...

DC Chapter Chief Elected to Local Office!

Recently, Quentin Colón Roosevelt, 18, a member of Amangamek-Wipit Lodge, was elected as the youngest commissioner to his local Advisory...