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News You Can Use: A Day in the Life of a National Officer (or Two)

Think your summer is packed? Wait until you see the exciting things two of the Order’s national officers are packing...

News You Can Use: Amangamek-Wipit Journeys through Scouting's History

By Tanner HarrsThe first ever History of Scouting Trail hike was held the weekend of May 25, 2013. The trail...

News You Can Use: SR-7A Arrowmen Assemble Care Packages for Wounded Service Members

By Michael Todd The roughly 1,100 Arrowmen who gathered for the SR-7A Section Conclave in April spent part of their weekend giving...

News You Can Use: Arrowmen Reflect on the Ordeal Experience

By Samuel GuerraEach Arrowmen must test themselves during their Ordeal to demonstrate cheerful self-denial, brotherhood, service and self-reliance.Yet, these virtues don’t...

News You Can Use: OA’s Newest High Adventure Program, OA Summit Experience, Off to a Fantastic Start

By Joey DierdorfFrom the moment the innovative new program was announced, Arrowmen from across the nation have been wondering what’s going...

Lodge Ledger: OA launches new videos aimed at new member retention

By Greg BulgerOne of the biggest problems in lodges around the nation is getting newly elected Ordeal candidates to follow through...

Lodge Ledger: Transferring Lodges - Contacting New Transfer Members and Verifying Membership

By Michael ToddWhen a Scout's family moves - be it across the state or across the country - they are exposed...

Lodge Ledger: Changes to OA Lodge Chartering Process Coming Soon

At the May 2014 BSA National Annual Meeting, the national Order of the Arrow committee accepted a resolution that OA...

Lodge Ledger: Wanted: Pictures for the national OA archive

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then imagine how many stories the OA national archives tell. Unfortunately, they...