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Ask the Chairman - Courtesy Letter

Q. Hello Ray, Last night, during our OA election, our OA Lodge Adviser told me that I would not be able...

Ask the Chairman - Unit Elections

Q. Does a Scout need to be present during the unit elections to have his name on the OA ballot,...

Social Media Policy Revised

During the December 2011 National Planning Meeting, the national committee approved a resolution that set a new standard for Order...

Social Media Management Best Practices

If you are a lodge or chapter leader whose group has multiple social media channels, you know that managing those...

Ask the Chairman - Old Sash

Q. Is the old sash my son was given by his godfather acceptable for his wear? A. I am so glad...

Ask the Chairman - National Positions

Q. How do you become a section chief and then national chief or any other national positions? A. Usually, Sections elect...

Service Above Self

Arrowman James O'Dwyer was recently recognized with a Teen Nick HALO Award for developing a relief program in support of...

Defining what your lodge has accomplished: The Annual Report

The annual report is one of the key items in every lodge's administrative process. The report is an opportunity for...

Ask the Chairman - OA and the National Eagle Scout Association

Q. I heard that the OA and the National Eagle Scout Association are merging. True? A. No, while the OA and...