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Ask the Chairman - Nomination Process

Q: Mike, Since the OA is a national honor society, why aren't all Eagle Scouts OA members? Although I understand the...

New Jersey State Police Camporee

Every three years, Scouts from across the state of New Jersey and beyond come together for the New Jersey State...

Octoraro Lodge Fundraiser - Buzz the Beard

Octoraro Lodge of Chester County, Pennsylvania, recently held an innovative event to raise money for their council camp, Camp Horseshoe....

Area W-4 Areaclave

Conclave season for the Arrowmen of Sections W-4N and W-4S was very special this year, as it included an unique...

Area C-1 Midwest Rally

The Midwest Rally is an area leadership training conference, where 11 lodges in the Central Region aimed to start on...

American Indian Arts and Craft Competition at NOAC 2018

Greetings, on behalf of the NOAC AIA Staff, we want to welcome each of you and encourage your participation in...

Introducing the new national website

In case you haven't noticed… the national Order of the Arrow (OA) website has been completely redesigned!...

SURGE Recognition Device

A committee of Arrowmen primarily from Section W-2W has been working hard for the past two years to develop a...

Order of the Arrow embraces environmental sustainability

In 2013, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) commenced the integration of sustainability at every level of its organization, promoted...