A successful Conclave needs good administration and organization to go along with the program that it sets. Administration details include scheduling, messaging and branding, COC communication, and finances. The following section is a library of different tools you can use to prepare for and execute your administrative tasks for a conclave. Some of these tools may need to be taken care of ahead of conclave, while others can be handled at the event. Additionally, some may need to be approved by your COC, such as the budget.
Creating a Conclave Planbook
A Conclave Planbook is an important planning tool for your section. It is where an Arrowman can find information about your conclave. The planbook should be something that your section can look back to when discussing conclave, and it should be revised year to year.
A planbook should contain, among other items:
- A cover page including conclave year, section name, and section totem.
- A table of contents so the reader can locate desired topics quickly.
- A message from the section chief that sets goals for the year.
- A calendar for the conclave year that contains all important dates in regard to the section, including COC meeting dates and locations, and conclave.
- The conclave budget.
- A section leadership roster.
- The conclave schedule.
Different sections have different CVC positions and committees with different roles to fit a specific section’s needs that could change yearly. Thus, these roles and committees should also be clearly defined in duties and purpose and be included in the conclave planbook. In this way, the Arrowmen in these positions or on these committees know what is expected of them and will know their responsibilities ahead of time.
Throughout conclave weekend the section has several events ongoing ranging from a wide variety of activities and competitions. A conclave planbook should also include rules for competitions and information on activities as well as criteria for conclave awards. In this way, the conclave planbook contains the necessary information for running and judging any event as well as determining winners of awards presented at conclave. Lodges will know the standards ahead of time and can plan accordingly.
Finally, a conclave planbook should include a map of the conclave site and any other resources a section would like to include such as a link to the section website and social media. Optional items consist of a list of past chiefs and advisers, section history, any national event information, lodge information, and any other paperwork associated with conclave that is not already part of conclave.
The purpose of a conclave planbook is to have a centralized source of information regarding conclave. By having a conclave planbook, members of the section can use it to find a variety of information about conclave events, who their section chief is, or when the next COC is. It is a resource that the section can reference when planning and preparing for conclave. It can be used to check the budget, see whose responsibility a new event falls under, or measure progress on goals.
Section Finances
Although the Order of the Arrow is a non-profit organization with volunteer members, it still needs money to fulfill its yearly functions. Sections are no exception. It is important to follow the Field Operations Handbook on how to operate your section’s finance. Also, attached to this guide is a budget template for your use.
In order to keep the registration cost for members low, sections need to either find a way to keep costs down or find other sources of income. There are many small ways to do this:
- Awards and recognitions can rack up large bills depending on what sections use. Ribbons are a good way to keep this cost low since they are less expensive than plaques and framed certificates.
- Activities and recreation are generally similar from year to year, thus reusing some items (signs, cones, balls, etc.) from the previous conclave can be another way to reduce costs.
- A great alternate source of income to offset conclave expenses is the trading post. Candy, soda, and other consumables will always bring in income and section merchandise could add to that. Shirts, jackets, hats, etc. are both a way for sections to make money but also for members to show their section pride and represent it throughout the conclave. Of course, sections should not abuse the monopoly they have with the trading post and keep the prices fair.
Trading Post and Conclave Auction
Funding on the section level has never been more challenging. Today, sections must focus on more than just bringing people to conclave to pay for expenses, they also have to sell their brand. A trading post and conclave auction can be used to help the section bring in extra funds over the year and to allow Arrowmen to take the section, and conclave home with them. Some items to consider selling include:
- Shirts: Hawaiian shirt, tech shirts, fabric shirts, long sleeve shirts
- Jackets: sweatshirts, windbreakers, quarterzips
- Hats, including baseball caps and winter hats.
- Patches, including flaps, council shoulder patches (CSPs), event patches, and patch sets
- Candy, soda, and snacks
- Unique items of the area
Online Presence
An online trading post takes time and dedication to reach its full limits. One way to do online sales is to have volunteers keep track, pack, and ship items bought. Other retailers might work with your section to directly ship to members for a fee. Depending on the item, one or both might be best for your section.
Having an app for your conclaves is a surefire way to draw attention to the trading post, and program events at the same time. While having an app can take a long period of time to develop, if done properly, it can make communication easier and improve the quality of the event. Sections can categorize areas on the app for things like, the schedule, special announcements, the trading post, helplines and more. With these categorized areas on the app, general members will be able to be engaged, and informed of the current happenings of the event.
Auctions are a great source of revenue for sections. Some sections set up an eBay account for online/pre-conclave bidding. Most conclaves have an on-site silent and live auction. Members from around the section are willing to donate their items to the auction if they understand where the funds are going, so make sure to state how the money will benefit the section, and youth of the section. In addition to asking others for donations to the auction, sections can put excess items from past events and conclaves up for auction as a way of making up funds that have been spent.
Venue Selection
Most sections hold their conclaves on a rotation with the lodges in the section. When it comes time to find a location in the section, there are a few things to keep in mind:
In real estate, location means everything. When planning a conclave, the same can apply. When selecting a conclave location, think of the distance that will need to be traveled by all lodges in the section. Trying to find a central location in the host lodge’s area is going to be tough, and some lodges may have to travel more than others. When this is the case, think about providing some travel options such as carpooling or busing for lodges with a farther distance.
When considering a location, make sure to keep in mind how much space you will need. Too much space and the conclave can feel spread out, while not enough space and the conclave will feel cramped. Both of these are issues when it comes to bringing excitement to a conclave. One of the best practices is to set a limit of participants to the amount of space, then utilizing that number to bolster registrations while maintaining a reasonable number.
Today it’s extremely important to make sure you can provide accommodations for the members attending. This includes a shower, bathroom, lodging, and recreation space for youth, adults, males and females. While you might not be able to get every piece perfect, having the ability to provide a comfortable experience will draw more people to your conclave.
Meals and Snacks
Food is one of, if not the most, important feature of a conclave. Normally there are 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 1 dinner, and 2 cracker barrels you will have at your conclave. Making your meals diverse and cost effective is a hard task, but can still be achievable. Think about how you can incorporate the food into your theme, and how easy it will be to make for the large volumes of people that will need to eat.
One section had their conclave on a Native American reservation, the section leadership team talked with the local tribe and were able to schedule a bison feast for dinner on Saturday. Having something local to dine on at your conclave is something that can be cost effective, and unique, giving the participants something to remember.
When deciding on what to eat, make sure to plan a second menu for those with dietary restrictions. To find out who has restrictions, ask for comments during your registration. These restrictions can include a multitude of things, and you need to be able to cater to each person.
Administration Resources
Budget Template
Fillable template on how to organize section and conclave finances.
Budget Example
Filled-in example section budget based on the above template.
Conclave Backdater
A planner on action items and goals to complete a successful conclave.
Conclave Schedule
A sample schedule for the conclave weekend.