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2009 DSA Recipients

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The following were presented the DSA at the 2009 National Order of the Arrow Conference - Kevin Lloyd Anderson, Kyle Wayne Becker, Michael D. Bliss, Forrest I. Bolles, Alexander F. Braden, Russell A. Bresnahan, Wayne Brock, Toby D. Capps, Evan P. Chaffee, Jay H. Corpening II, Dustin James Counts, Darrell Woodley Donahue, S. Tyler Elliott, Thomas H. Fitzgibbon, James A. Flatt, Jonathan Eric Fuller, T. Alex Gomez, John H. Green, Kenneth James Hager, Adam D. Heaps, Mark Patrick Hendricks, Douglas G. Hirdler, Burl E. Holland, Don G. Hough, Michael Stephen Kirby, Andrew J. Kuhlmann, Thomas Y. Lambert, Geoffrey S. Landau, Andrew P. Martin, Robert Lewis Mason, Bruce F. Mayfield, Robert J. Mazzuca, Sean M. Murray, Larry M. Newton, David J. Nguyen, James W. Palmer Jr., Ian M. Romaine, Patrick W. Rooney, David E. Schaub, W. Christopher Schildknecht, Benjamin L. Stilwill, Francis William Sturges Jr., W. Keith Swedenburg, John Mason Thomas, Kieran J. Thompson, Kaylene D. Trick, Charles Edward Tudor, Jacob Paul Wellman and Chad Eric Wolver.

3, Awards, OA, Scouting

Third Lifetime Achievement Award

In 2006, the third Legacy of Servant Leadership Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Dabney Kennedy.

Dabney Kennedy was born in March 1936, in Stephenville, Texas, a little town about 70 miles southwest of Fort Worth. He enrolled in Cub Scouting and earned the Arrow of Light. When old enough, he became a Boy Scout, serving first as patrol leader and later as senior patrol leader. He earned the Eagle Award, with palms, and then went on to join Explorers and earn that program’s Silver Award.

Kennedy was inducted into the very small Otena lodge in 1950. The lodge was so young that there were no Brotherhood Honor members in it at that point. In 1952, Kennedy became Otena’s first Brotherhood member and was bestowed this honor by Karankawa Lodge. In 1954 he was in his lodge’s first class of Vigil Honor members and received the name “Akikta” which is interpreted as “One Who Works With Determination.” Kennedy served as lodge secretary, two terms as lodge chief, and at the age of 18 he was appointed to be the “junior lodge adviser”. Kennedy attended as a youth numerous area meetings, and got to know E. Urner Goodman.

He served on the camp staff and later became the camp director. At the National Jamboree in 1957 at Valley Forge he served on the OA Service Corps and led his lodge delegation to NOAC in Lawrence, Kansas in 1958. Since 1958, Kennedy has participated in and played an instrumental part in the production of over 30 national events for the Order. He served the Order as the program chairman for over ten National OA Conferences (NOAC) where he was responsible for most of the coordination of NOAC.

Dabney is a recipient of the OA Distinguished Service Award (1969), Silver Beaver (1970), and Silver Antelope (1989). He has served as Cubmaster, Troop Committee Chairman, Council Camping Chairman, Lodge Adviser of Colonneh Lodge for 20 years, and section adviser for 22 years. He was appointed Vice Chairman of Program in 1985 for the National OA Committee, a post he held through 1996 – and he served as the lead adviser for NOAC and other national OA events during those years.

These accomplishments, however impressive themselves, cannot begin to describe the positive influence and mark Dabney has left on the Order. Kennedy also made an impact on the Order as a whole by designing and creating the Founder’s Award. As a visionary of his time, he realized the need to have a national event every summer and the importance of electing new national youth officers for one-year terms instead of two-year terms. Dabney was appointed to the National OA Committee in 1970 and quickly got involved in the development and implementation of the Order’s national programs. He helped to create the OA 60th Anniversary / Bicentennial Award, rolled out in 1975, and later NOAC participation awards and the OA 75th Anniversary Award. He created the OA’s history in coins and guided the production and preservation of the video footage of Dr. Goodman.

Outside of Scouting, in 1964 Kennedy graduated from the University of Texas, School of Pharmacy and had a very successful career as a pharmacist. Most notably, he spent 30 years working for the Dow Chemical Company as a Regional Sales Manager, National Sales Trainer, and National Safety Manager. He married his wife Peggy Jean in 1960 and has two sons that are both Eagle Scouts and members of the Order.

When he received the Lifetime Achievement Award, he wore the sash Goodman gave to Carl Marchetti—the same sash Marchetti wore to receive his Lifetime Achievement Award. Kennedy wished that all future recipients would wear the sash when accepting the award.

When asked about his strong and continued magnetic passion for the Order of the Arrow he responded that the most rewarding part of continued service was being able to watch young boys grow and develop into strong, mature leaders through the Order. He went on to say that a NOAC is so important and unique because the youth volunteers set the standard. NOAC allows young leaders to breathe new life and ideas into the Order and gives them a chance to nurture their strengths as young men and the leaders of tomorrow.

Those who are acquainted with Dabney and have benefited from his counsel know first-hand of his effectiveness as an adviser and mentor, of his persistence and determination. He is known to be inspired and inspiring, motivated and motivating. He is passionate about everything he undertakes, an innovator and a peacemaker. Arrowmen of all ages admire him. Dabney Kennedy is truly an inspirational leader and the Order of the Arrow is fortunate to have such a devoted volunteer who seeks, and challenges others to seek, the higher vision.

2, Awards, OA, Scouting

2004 DSA Recipients

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The following were presented the DSA at the 2004 National Order of the Arrow Conference - Courtney Allen, Paul C. Anderson, Steven Howard Beckett, Riley Berg, Cortland Bolles, Clay Capp, Andy Chapman, Edward T. Clifford, III, Linley Joseph Collins, Christopher Crowley, Nicholas P. Digirolamo, Matt Dukeman, Adam Enerson, Brian J. Favat, Nathan McBride Finnin, Matthew R. Griffis, Brian Howard Herren, Jon L. Hobbs, Kenneth E. Hood, Stan Hoff, Benjamin W. Janke, Douglas M. Kupec, Matthew J. F. Laudone, William Lenker, Brian Francis Love, Frank McMillan, Rich Moore, David Moskal, James Edward Neubaum, Dominic T. Pascucci, Hector A. "Tico" Perez, Ian M. Pinnavaia, Douglas W. Seaborne, Brian Seeton, Raymond Siegrist, Douglas S. Smith Jr., George S. Sparks, Sam Stocker, P.E. Gene Wadford, Thomas E. Watson Jr., Robert G. Westmyer and Warren Williams.

3, Awards, OA, Scouting

Second Lifetime Achievement Award



The second Legacy of Servant Leadership Lifetime Achievement Award was bestowed on Carl M. Marchetti, M.D., at the 2004 National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) at Iowa State University. At that time, Marchetti had been a registered Scouter for more than 58 years, and a member of Na Tsi Hi Lodge, Monmouth Council, Oakhurst, New Jersey.

Dr. Marchetti was a charter member of Chinchewunska Lodge in 1949 at the age of 15. He sealed his membership in the Brotherhood a year later. He is an Eagle Scout and also earned the Explorer Silver Award. He was the first Vigil Honor member of Chinchewunska Lodge serving three years as lodge chief. In 1956 he was elected area chief, which brought him on to a national stage.

Marchetti was the youth lead of shows at the 1956 NOAC at Indiana University. One of the shows featured a recreation of the first OA ceremony. For that project, he consulted with E. Urner Goodman who gave him some advice: “Enjoy yourself, work hard, but watch out.” It was at this NOAC that Goodman gave Marchetti the red National OA Committee sash that Marchetti, and every Lifetime Achievement Award recipient since him has worn during the award ceremony.

Marchetti received the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) in 1958. In 1958 and 1960, Marchetti served as the Administrative Assistant to the OA National Executive Secretary. In 1962, he became the youngest member of the National OA Committee. Soon after his appointment he became involved with the Order’s financial matters. In 1974, he began the watershed movement to establish the OA as a self-funding program of the BSA. He served as the Order’s finance chairman and gave leadership to the creation of the OA Trust Fund. At the 1977 National Jamboree held at Moraine State Park, Vice Chairman Marchetti helped supervise the youth staff subcamp. This new area of responsibility meant that the Order of the Arrow oversaw not only the Service Corps, but also all youth staff—600 to 800—at the jamboree.

A former council president of Monmouth Council in Oakhurst, New Jersey, Marchetti is a recipient of the Silver Beaver, Antelope, and Buffalo (1990) awards, the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award (1991), and the Alpha Phi Omega National Distinguished Alumni Key. He received his M.D. from New York Medical College in 1960.

While chairman of the National OA Committee, Dr. Marchetti worked to make a one-year term of office for the national officers.

That made us build the entire program of treks, Indian seminars, jamborees, and strategic planning sessions so that the youth who were elected in an off-conference year would have something to do

Those decisions led to more youth participating on a national level and turning the Order into a truly youth-led organization. “The Order of the Arrow program used to be a program for boys, it is now a program by boys,” he said.

Dr. Marchetti made the decision, as Chairman, to broaden the base of the National OA Committee, bringing in a “new generation” of younger leaders, and firmly committing the committee to its emphasis on youth leadership development. He paved the way for many on the committee to serve in the capacities they do today. He is the one who first made it possible for youth leaders from the Order to serve on other national committees of the BSA.

2, Awards, OA, Scouting

Leadership in Service Award

At the 2004 NOAC, the National OA Committee announced a new award aimed at honoring the Order’s heritage of service. To earn the Leadership in Service Award, an Arrowman provided 8 hours of service to his/her local camp and provided 6 hours of community service through a lodge or chapter run community service project. The award could be earned three times. The first time an Arrowman earned the award, he received a blue ribbon with a suspended red arrowhead attached at the bottom. The ribbon could be worn as a temporary device on the field uniform. Arrowmen earning the award subsequent times would be awarded with a device to wear on the ribbon. The Leadership in Service Award was active for the years 2005-2007.

2, Awards, OA, Scouting

2006 DSA Recipients

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The following were presented the DSA at the 2006 National Order of the Arrow Conference - Ross Armstrong, Marcus Bailey, Thomas Bain, Mark Bicket, Robert Black, Robert Crume, Brian Cutino, Jared Davis, Seth Dearmin, Andrew Desilet, David Dowty, Tyson Ford, Stephen Gaines, Keith Gallaway, Jeffrey Godley, Michael Gollner, Christopher Grove, Jonathan Hardin, Matthew Harris, Glenn Haynes, Jeffrey Hayward, Paul Jensen, Jeffery Jonasen, Scotty Keenan, Craig Leighty, Bradley Long, Edward Lynes, Seth Mollitt, Patrick Murphy, Daniel O'Rourke, Thomas Ritchey, Gil Rogers, Robin Rosamond, David Ross, Joseph Sadewasser, Brian Stock, Michael Lawrence Thompson, Phil Vanderwerker and Nicholas Williams.

3, Awards, OA, Scouting

2000 DSA Recipients

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The following were presented the DSA at the 2000 National Order of the Arrow Conference - Mark Christopher Angeli, Daniel T. Asleson, Richard "Dick" Henry, John C. Bicket, Peter Arnold Cash, Benjamin Whitlow "Whit" Culver, Brandon Fessler, Michael A. George II, Joseph W. Glenski, David Golden, Brian S. Hashiro, John Isley, Kenneth R. Jenkins, Ryan King, Aaron W. Kreager, William D. Loeble, Lance McAlister, Michael P. McCrea, Seth McFarland, Mathew Milleson, Thomas Lee Moore, Hayato Nakawatase, William Glenn Parker, Michael Perkins, David M. Petrush, Terry W. "Tee" Pruitt II, Jeremy V. Pullen, Andrew S. Oh, David H. Sargent, Robert J. Sirhal, Joseph A. Shore, George William Spice, David Stowe, David Strebler, Christopher L. Wells and Roy L. Williams.

3, Awards, OA, Scouting

Arrowman Service Award

The Arrowman Service Award was an active Order of the Arrow (OA) award from 2001 through 2003. The purpose of the award was to increase service to the Boy Scouts of America by Arrowmen. To earn the award, Arrowmen had to complete tasks oriented towards three overarching goals:

1. Personal
2. Chapter/Lodge Activity
3. Service.

Arrowmen had to remain active in their unit, earn Brotherhood, attend certain lodge or chapter events, and either serve as an Elangomat or work on a chapter, lodge, or council service project. The award was a white ribbon with a red arrowhead attached on the bottom. The arrowhead had a compass face affixed to the front. Arrowmen earning the award subsequent times would be awarded with a device to wear on the ribbon. The award was worn as a temporary device on the field uniform.

3, Awards, OA, Scouting

2002 DSA Recipients

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The following were presented the DSA at the 2002 National Order of the Arrow Conference - Dominique F. Baker, Justin P. Boren, Patrick S. Boyd, Steven D. Bradley, James Houston Cheatham, Kenneth L. Connelly, Michael Devlin Cooper, Don Cunningham, Donald G. Diaz, Joshua G. Gana, Carl E. Head II, David B. Heaton, Chad F. Heflin, Jordan A. Hitchens, Mark F. Hogan, J. Terry Honan, Jeffrey J. Jones, Jason Wayne Kemp, Kurt A. Kuhlmann, Bobby Kunstman, Jason Holmes Laney, C. Sage Lichtenwalner, Don McChesney, Carey Joseph Mignerey, Carey L. Miller, Kevin P. Moshier, Cameron Mulder, Samuel Nitz, Benjamin Pharr, Scott A. Schmidt, Dale Edwin Siefker, Thomas D. Slaughter, Dustin J. Thomas, Bruce Walcutt, Jay I. Widby, Luke Wolfe, David Yoder and Andy V. Zahn.

3, Awards, OA, Scouting

1996 DSA Recipients

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The following were presented the DSA at the 1996 National Order of the Arrow Conference - Scott W. Beckett, Rob Berner, Ronald Boller, Kyle Brown, Seth Brown, Russell Cann, David Clark, Bill Claycomb, Sean Cox, Darshana DeSilva, Michael Edwards, Dennis Ellis, Josh Feigelson, David E. Halliday, Charles Haseman, Christopher Hayes, Greg Hazelhurst, Roger Honberger, John H. Jones, James Lewis, Gerald McCurley, Daniel McDonough Jr., Ryan McFarland, Branden Morris, Alyx Parker, Alex Rhodes, John Rotruck, Max Sasseen Jr., Joseph Scionti, David Shettles, James Simpson, William Scott Smith, Jack Stephens, Patrick Sullivan, Matthew Tarnow, Marty Tschetter and Charles Wasson.

3, Awards, OA, Scouting

1998 DSA Recipients

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The following were presented the DSA at the1998 National Order of the Arrow Conference - Jason Accola, John L. Alline, Jeremiah J. Arnold, Joseph D. Barton Jr., John K. Berry, Gregory D. Buckler, Devang Desai, Phillip M. Dullock, Rees A. Falkner, Anthony J. Fiori, Clyde B. "Bud" Harrelson III, Marcus Haubenstricker, John W. Hess, Brett M. Higgins, Edgar J. LaBenne, Joseph M. Marsicano, Clyde M. Mayer, Justin D. McCarthy, Barry P. McFarland, Brian S. McGrath, Dr. Richards Miller, Terrel W. Miller, Richard L. Mills, Ryan R. Miske, Jeremy J. Mo, Roger A. Ohmstede, Jason E. Peoples, Kenneth A. Peterson, Ryan J. Pitts, Jere B. Ratcliffe, Christopher T. Rogers, James A. Schwab, Josh Souza, Dr. Mark Stolowitz, Kyle E. Tanner, Todd A. Turner and Marty Zvonar.

3, Awards, OA, Scouting

1992 DSA Recipients

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The following were presented the DSA at the 1992 National Order of the Arrow Conference - Charles W. Beard, Christopher S. Belden, David Brittain Bone, David Lloyd Briscoe, Donald K. Chilcote, Craig Stephen Donais, William C. Evans, David P. Fabie, Dean M. Frommelt, Jeffrey H. Goldsmith, Matthew David Hoag, Grant Michael Howe, David E. Larkin, James B. Laycook, Ryan Mecham, John Meckley III, Kevin Brent Mefford, C. Mark Miller, Louis G. Monville III, Cort A. O'Neil, Donald S. Oplinger, Jeffrey Posey, Ashley C. Rose, J. Patrick Ross, Lawrence A. Ruh, Charles D. Scales Jr., Theodore E. Shelton Jr., Jack Shumaker, N. Anthony Steinhardt III, Thomas J. Stephenson, Arthur D. Stevens, William Story, Clint E. Takeshita, Scott A. Valcourt, Skip Van Bloem, Mick M. Walker and W. Worth Wharton.

3, Awards, OA, Scouting